Tomb Raider - Rise of the Raider PC

Yeah but I had already written off the £20 credit so only really cost me £22. Cheaper than key sites for now.
Sadly it says 8 days to download. Cheers Microsoft.
Ignore the timer MS says its not working properly also if it appears to have stopped ignore that as well according to their storepage :eek:

The thing that worries me about MS is they left GFWL in a mess (right now for at least 2 months you cannot download any content you bought from the GFW marketplace its been broken with no sign of MS trying to fix).

That & them admitting the Win 10 store download status is broken due to faulty UI issues puts me off buying anything from there.

When its done please can you let us know if:
1: It supports Xbox 360 controllers on PC. Store page says XB1 controllers only.
2: It uses Denuvo DRM. Not sure MS allow Denuvo on the Windows App Store.

What FPS are the 4k boys getting with what GPU?

Only running 1440p ultra wide and comparing with 16:9 1440p resolution FPS seems to have quite an impact.

Intel i7 5930k @ 4.3Ghz
16GB DDR 4
Titan X Hybrid (Super Clocked) SLI
Windows 10

Not great at 4k at the moment, and the Ram usage! :eek:

Most I saw was 80% usage on both GPU's but generally around the 70% mark on each.

I fiddled around between Custom/Very High and High settings and with SMAA on or no AA at all and the FPS didn't change much.

This is only the opening sequence so later in the game with enemies on screen and less linear playing areas it could be worse.






That doesn't sound great with SLI TX's my single TX wouldn't have been up to the job then.

Can't make my mind up which AA to use, FXAA seems a little blurred but has the smoother edges, SMAA seems jaggy and hell and SSAA X4 is unusable.
Has anybody read the Nvidia guide? Are they saying it's better on perfomance to use Nvidia's dynamic super resolution instead of SMAA? Instructions seem a bit vague.
Only played like an hour last night but averaging about 45 fps on the very high preset at 1920x1200 with some dips but stays above 30, dropping down to medium i get near locked 60 fps with some dips, not much of a fps whore so might just stick with very high and lock at 30 fps will feel smoother than fps all over the place.
2600k @ 4.2GHz
980Ti Zotac Amp Extreme stock

Everything maxed out, no AA
4k downscaled to 1080p No smoothness on DSR

Game looks amazing and I get 30-50 fps.
Visuals are great, gameplay is great, story is pretty good. I've not been this impressed with a PC game in a while.
Anyone with a 970 and 1440p running this? Any indications on performance?

I was mostly sitting anywhere between 38-50 fps with a combination of high/very high, but I've decided to lock the game at 30 fps and crank stuff to the max. The game was still very playable but locked 30 fps feels better than framerate fluctuations once you get used to it.

I want a 980ti!!!!:D

970@1500mhz/4790k/16gb RAM
Slightly confused (or being totally dumb). Does this support SLI, but not very well. Seems like some people it supports it, but not very well and for others, messing around with profiles.

If SLI works will pick the game up. Looks pretty great.
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