
Mine were removed when I was 9 or 10 if I remember.

From what I remember, I just had a sore throat for a day or too, nothing spectacularly painful or anything.
ahhhh right i think i may have to have mine removed soon but am not looking forward to it because i hate hospitals and the tought of an operation.
Yes, fairly mild operation. You wake up with the worst sore throat of your life, but after a day or two it's not that bad anymore. The initial pain isn't mind numbing but it's certainly unpleasant.

Definitely worth it for me though, I was having sore throats once a month before I had my tonsils out.

Actually thinking about it now the worst part for me was the anti-saliva drug they gave me. Makes your mouth go completely dry. Possibly the worst thing I've ever experianced :(
I had mine removed when I was 8 or 9, and my eldest daughter had hers removed a couple of years ago, she was in pain for a few days afterwards, but that was all.
this is like the first time i have had it but the doctor gave me some pills called erythromycin but it seems that i am alergic to them i came out in a bad rash so stopped taking them so going back to the docs on monday to see what she says but i think i will have to have them out :(
I went to the Hospital when I was about 10 years old to see if they would remove my tonsils removed, but they said they were too large to take out or something :confused:

I used to have problems in the summer when I'd get hayfever and i've trouble breathing :(

I can put my tongue behind me tonsils too which is rather odd.
I just put up with recurring tonsilitis for a year. Although it reduced in severity each time.

It has now disappeared completely luckily. My doctor warned me against getting them out though as the infection can just turn into nasty chest infections.
I still have all parts of my body \o/

They only remove them if it's a constantly recurring infection I believe. You apparently have a sore throat for a while and have to drink smoothies and lots of ice cream!
Freefaller said:
I still have all parts of my body \o/

They only remove them if it's a constantly recurring infection I believe. You apparently have a sore throat for a while and have to drink smoothies and lots of ice cream!

Yeah I think that is the new procedure, but it is quite recent, I had mine whipped out at the first sign. :)
I used to suffer a couple of times every year up until i was about 10. Last time i had it i was taken to see the Dr, who said next time you have it we will take them out. I never had it again
I'm suffering from tonsillitus at the moment ands its horrible. Cold sweats, fever, can't sleep, aches and a sore throat! Will hopefully get down the doctors on monday so he can ply me with drugs.
Nursie said:
I used to suffer a couple of times every year up until i was about 10. Last time i had it i was taken to see the Dr, who said next time you have it we will take them out. I never had it again

You met Dr Who?! :D
hyper_piper45 said:
I'm suffering from tonsillitus at the moment ands its horrible. Cold sweats, fever, can't sleep, aches and a sore throat! Will hopefully get down the doctors on monday so he can ply me with drugs.

ahhh so ** going through what am going through i havent slept in like 3 days :(
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