
I had it a couple of years ago. Went to the docs it everything was sorted in a couple of days.

My sisters mate had hers out a few years ago. Apparently the doctors wouldn't let her go home until she'd had some breakfast. What did they give her to eat? TOAST! wtf!?
I get tonsilitis a lot but never been offered to have the buggers out. Flattens me in bed where I can't physically eat nor drink for pain.

It's a quick process done with lasers I believe. At least now it is, depending on the hospital.

It's hardly anything to worry about as it's probably the most common operation out there.
I had mine out along with my adenoids when I was 9 - but they were infected and swollen (think they'd been like that most my life, I could never breathe through my nose properly), and so they were hard to remove, so I swallowed a lot of blood during the surgery which I then vomited up the next day. Nice :(

And yep, they'd only just stopped the jelly & ice cream treatment, I wasn't allowed to go home until I'd eaten a slice of toast, which hurt like hell - all the little 5 and 6 year olds were running around with crisps. Grrr.

I was unable to eat anything unduly rough (like crisps) for a good couple of weeks.
I had mine out when I was 17

I had tonsillitus constantly pretty much for 6 months .. I would get a bout , have some antibiotics which would get rid but within a few days of finishing the course I would get another bout :(

The pain afterwards wasn't tooooo bad but my breath could kill a man at 4 paces :p

There was a fair chunk of blood and my mouth was VERY dry , took a few days before I could really eat anything and about 10 days before I was pretty much back to normal :)
ok been to doctors again today to have my pills swapped they cant give me anyother pills to treat it i have to have a blood test tomorrow due to i may have glandular feever :( dont really know what it is but its really making me feel sick
I think i was about 9 i was in pain for a month couldn't eat very much or drink much apart from iced water through a straw. Guess i was a bad case :(
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