I find it too fast paced for the kind of gaming I’m after these days. Quite enjoyed 2016.
Yes it's gone full circle now, but never forget when we at our prime on-line gaming was a golden age. Now it's just a cheat, whine, moan, aggressive fest
I find it too fast paced for the kind of gaming I’m after these days. Quite enjoyed 2016.
Doom Eternal is certainly challenging and you do really have to focus to succeed with it. At 43 I'm still good enough to play it but yeah I can imagine it's gonna get more difficult as I get older.
Doom Eternal requires you to be a lot more strategic with your weapon choice which some people don't like but personally I think makes the game a lot more satisfying to play when you win.
I still see some streams from time to time of people screaming at the Marauder. A possessed Marauder is on another level.
Or go nuts against an army of Marauders.
How do people play this on ultra nightmare whatever mode, I imagine anyone who managed with that must be ace at games and online games. I struggle on too young to die.
So I got to about level 3 of DE, just stuck, set from medium to easy still no good, must have tried 20+ times, it must be the first game I've given up on ( apart from rubbish ones) some of the demons just seem so tough compared to 2016
Maybe at 57 it's time to call it a day, although I did just finish RE Village no problems
Anybody else struggling with this game ?
DE pacing / scaling is a bit off, the early game is hard because you haven't unlocked enough weapons/abilities etc yet meaning you run out of ammo a lot. Once you hit the mid game it gets a lot easier simply because you are carrying more ammo. So if you can push through it you might find the game more enjoyable, I'd estimate 70% of my deaths came in the first third of the game.
That said, my ultimate conclusion is it may not be worth persevering with, it's less enjoyable than Doom 2016.
Yeah, arguably DE is 'higher skill' than Doom2016 in the sense that you can't just use standard doom mechanics of keep strafing around with the fire button held down, you have to utilise your abilities and glory kills a lot to succeed. But I found that just became annoying rather than challenging in a good way.
Then the silly jumping sections that were like a crap platform game, where there was often a single, linear and highly contrived route through a section that you'd first have to identify and then attempt via trial and error (over-shooting / under-shooting jumps based on use of double jump and dash etc).
It's probably the only Doom game I could see myself not wanting to replay some day.