Top 5 PC Games ( 2011 - 2021 )

I went and had a look at what I have the most hours on for this - In no particular order

Civ 6
Cities : Skylines
Grim Dawn

LOTRO would have had a honorary mention but it was published 2007 (still better than most 'modern 'MMO's imho
Planet Coaster
Portal 2
Alien Isolation (atmospheric, terrifying, genius)
Metal Gear Solid 5 (peak Kojima)

I would have put RDR2 down, but it came way later than the console version so it doesn’t count (IMO). Witcher 3 disappointing, therefore no surprise Cyberpunk was a bit of a dud :p
I can't really go with my most hours played as that's a mod in a game, so off top of my head in no real order:

Alien Isolation - the best Alien game made, doubt it will ever be surpassed. Atmosphere is perfect, frustratingly difficult at times and felt exhausted by the end, in a good way.
Subnautica - in triple digit hours on this, haven't even finished the story, just loved exploring and constantly finding new stuff.
Satisfactory - hard to describe why this is so good, just the satisfaction of getting things perfectly balanced in a massive sandbox and imagination is pretty much the limit on builds.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - obvious reasons.
PUBG - while it's been run into the ground and I detest it now, the first 18 months was some of my most enjoyable MP gameplay I can remember since Planetside 1.
Video games have broken my mind, I could barely tell you 5 games that I’ve played in that time :p

I’d throw Skyrim in there. Not sure what else. Go for before 2011 and I’ll have a field day.
Dark Souls Trilogy

There's probably more that I've played and some that are probably more deserving than some on the list above but these 5 are the ones I keep going back to from this era.
Yeah its also on the switch now,

I much prefer my version on the PC though with 893 mods :p closest photorealistic game I've seen so far with those mods

woah, really..?! You must have spent longer finding, sorting and loading those than playing the game...!!!
Impressed, won't ask you for a mod list :D

No order....

Cities Skylines
7 Days to Die
No Man's Sky
Total War - Various flavours
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