Top 5 PC Games ( 2011 - 2021 )

Quite hard to pick five, but here goes...
Deus Ex HR/Director's Cut.
Fallout 4.
ME1/2/3 (okay I know it's three separate games but essentially chapters in a three part story).

Titles like Elite Dangerous rack up a large number of hours in Steam but most of that is just jump after jump doing exploration. Snowrunner is a late addition to my portfolio and only really been playing it for the last couple of months.

Boring cutscenes or dialogue sections, stuffed between fetch quests.
I thought it was very overrated. Combat reminded me of an old GOT game and I got to a mid level boss on the second map, in a cave, couldn’t beat it even on baby level. Rage uninstalled, not looked at it since. I decided to stick with the TV series instead!
Yes there are cut scenes but they help to sell the story and you can skip them. Again there are fetch quests, kill quests, etc. but then a game like this is always going to be that and if you can show me any examples of any game whereby, fundamentally, the game isn't like this I'd love to know.

The story is what hooks in people, hence why there is a TV series. Underneath it all though there is a very good game. The graphics are superb, the game is very modable, there is a new HD update coming in Q1, etc. and it's very open World. It doesn't demand you follow the line - you can veer off to anywhere. The DLC as well adds hundreds of hours but like any game it's not for everyone.

Also if you can't beat a boss then you need to check if you're the right level for it, if you have potions/food, learning how to dodge, etc. but there's nothing I really got stuck on for a long time.

woah, really..?! You must have spent longer finding, sorting and loading those than playing the game...!!!
Impressed, won't ask you for a mod list :D

No order....

Cities Skylines
7 Days to Die
No Man's Sky
Total War - Various flavours

Nope, a close friend built it for me as he had no job at the time and I offered him money for doing so. he did an amazing job tbh
Really good IMHO. It's only 10 episodes and the series is out in December.

I thought the TV series was alright - much better than the games, I think the only major thing I didn't enjoy about it was the constant back and forth between the timelines - it was too jarring at times.
I'm really hoping the second series is a bit more focussed.
I thought the TV series was alright - much better than the games, I think the only major thing I didn't enjoy about it was the constant back and forth between the timelines - it was too jarring at times.
I'm really hoping the second series is a bit more focussed.

It has a massive story line to bring you up to date so there is always going to be flashbacks touching the origin (what is a Witcher, where do they come from, etc.). It's aimed at people who have never even heard of the Witcher whilst still being enjoyable for the people who have read the books, played the games, etc. I think it was really well done, it didn't go over the top which is usually the way it can go, especially in the effects which were done really well and subtly at times).

Definitely looking forward to S2.

This for me too, but I did think graphically Deus Ex: M.D. was very good too especially the Prague levels.

I haven't played much of Mankind Divided yet; it runs pretty well all considered on what is probably considered nowadays as a low-end of mid-range GPU, but I'll probably save the game until the next card cometh...whenever that is.
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