Top Gear Is Back!!

volospian said:
Yep, and it was great. Notice the word "was". You simply cannot do the same thing over and over and over again without it becoming old hat and boring. TG may still be attracting fans amongst those who think that the word "torques" is mysterious and interesting, but those who have watched it for years will get bored of the same type of things repeated in a similar fashion week in, week out.

TG is like Oasis. When they first came out they were like a breath of fresh air in the tedious world of music. They swaggered about in their parkas, shouting Manc at everybody and wishing they were the Beatles. Now every record just sounds the same as their last.

No, the BBC will never change TG, but that's because the BBC repeat everything, forever.
The BBC radically changed TG in 2001. It is extremely successful. Not was, is. Notice the word "is". The BBC have no reason to change it again, yet.

TG is attracting fans amongst people who find it entertaining, most of whom don't care what torque is. That's a red herring.

There may well be a market for a serious car program, but TG isn't it. Trying to make it one is a risky act that might well end up with little or no audience - many of the current audience would be lost and it's far from sure that the people who want a serious car program would make up for that, even if they did start watching TG despite its reputation.
Angilion said:
The BBC radically changed TG in 2001. It is extremely successful. Not was, is. Notice the word "is". The BBC have no reason to change it again, yet.

TG is attracting fans amongst people who find it entertaining, most of whom don't care what torque is. That's a red herring.

There may well be a market for a serious car program, but TG isn't it. Trying to make it one is a risky act that might well end up with little or no audience - many of the current audience would be lost and it's far from sure that the people who want a serious car program would make up for that, even if they did start watching TG despite its reputation.

Yep, it is succesful. I never said it wasn't. Notice the word never. But it isn't great anymore. It's just TG. Same old, same old.

There are plenty of shows that are both static, boring and tired, and yet succesful. Take the Vicar of Dibly for one. The same story lines over and over again, but people still want to watch the christmas special.

And I am beginning to find TG going the same way. This series I have yawned more times than laughed. I still like to watch it. It's the only program (apart from "life on Mars") produced by the BBC that is worth airtime, but I am starting to record it, or watch the repeats. In a few weeks I may not worry if I miss it at all, and if that's the case I probably won't even notice if they bring out another series.

Yes, it may be attracting new viewers, but at some point it will have attracted all the viewers it ever will and long before that point some long term viewers will have got bored and turned away, and once it is at that place, unless they ensure that the show keeps its focus, viewing figures will start to fall.

There may not be many of us that are bored with it at the moment but unless the show is kept fresh there will be more each week who find themselves thinking "Hmmm, I wonder if there is something more interesting on the other side"

I have also never (there's that word again) said that it should be a serious car program, in fact only about four posts ago I stated "TG is not a car review show, watch 5th gear (if you can stand it) for a review of the latest shopping cart" so I fail to see the relevance of your last paragraph.
Just watched it, I already like the new 997, didn't think much of the Turbo alloys though. Why do Merc/Brabus keep bringing out these pointlessly powerful cars? Was a shame the Robin didn't detach :(
The train crossing smash and a few other bits according to this:


Angilion said:
There may well be a market for a serious car program, but TG isn't it.

Top gear has always been a light hearted and entertaining show right from the start- remember when Tiff Nidel was in it?! That is going back. Purely car orientated shows have been on tv, but they faded out very quickly. I just dont think they had the character that TG has, maybe its a budget thing, not many channels can afford to build a space shuttle from a Reliant Robin lol.
-Neil- said:
Not sure if the train bit is tonight actually:


A spokeswoman for the BBC said: "We are going ahead as planned with tonight's programme which includes an item on the dangers at level crossings.

"There will be an announcement before the programme to alert viewers that there is an item about railway safety."

So according to that, it should be in tonight :)

BeatMaster :D
I think it's safe to say Top Gear *might* have jumped the shark with the recent episodes ;)

Oh, another gay referance aswell! "Having your haircut on a studio day is gay". Wonder how many complaints they'll get?
I can see the usual bucketload of complaints turning up already, and we're only 10 minutes in. :/

Not that I'd support the complainants, especially as Ufton Nervet is just a few miles from here.

PS - Coincidentally, I have a window with a titlebar that currently reads DigiTV-HD - BBC TWO. :cool: :)
tb2000 said:
Lol yeah, just happened to find a plane on the Top Gear site eh? ;)

Yeah, left over from when they did the same thing on 5th gear with the same plane on the same track ;)

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