Total Recall did quiad go to mars?

1 Jun 2006
Well dunno if this is a new one on here but ive had this with friends over and over.Did quiad really do the mars thing or was is part of recall memorys as it works both ways.
Early on in the film it is suggested that if one's mind cannot adjust to the implanted reality resulting in a Schizoid Embolism, a lobotomy is the only solution. Verhoeven has suggested that if the film is a dream, Quaid may receive a lobotomy, as represented by the white light that ends the film.
How wierd, I was doing some DIY earlier (:(), and when I do DIY (:(), I tend to think of quite random things. One of them things today was total recall :eek:
Has anyone else read the short story the movie was based on? "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" by Philip K. Dick.

The same guy also wrote the storys that Minority Report and Bladerunner are based on.
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seek said:
No, he didn't.

-What happened at the end of the movie? Blue sky on Mars.

-What was the name of the VR program? Blue sky on Mars.

Coincidence? I hardly think so.

I thought it was ironic!

lol, it turns out I 'didnt get' a Schwartzeneggar movie. How lame am I. :(
dgmug said:
yes apparently minority report is supposed to b a sequel to it.
well, the original minority report story was not related to total recall at all, but the film makers were going to adapt it to be a sequel. I'm glad they didn't in the end though.
calnen said:
I always thought he really did go to mars...
Same here. Seems from this thread that I was wrong, but the film makes more sense to me and I like it better to think that he did go there.
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