Total Recall did quiad go to mars?

It depends on whether he really wakes up, or whether he dreams he wakes up. There is no answer to that of course and is pretty much irrelvant anyway as the film works either way, that's the beauty of it.
Regardless of the mars stuff what really annoyed me about Quaid was that he chose to go with the skinny athletic ideal 3D woman rather that the perverted huge breasted voluptuous 3D woman, thus depriving boobs fans everywhere an hour's worth of good old fashioned nork oggling.
Bubo said:
Regardless of the mars stuff what really annoyed me about Quaid was that he chose to go with the skinny athletic ideal 3D woman rather that the perverted huge breasted voluptuous 3D woman, thus depriving boobs fans everywhere an hour's worth of good old fashioned nork oggling.
Err... There was still a woman with three breasts in the film so don't complain. :p
seek said:
Has anyone else read the short story the movie was based on? "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" by Philip K. Dick.

The same guy also wrote the storys that Minority Report and Bladerunner are based on.
Philip K. Dick is utterly fantastic, and one of my favourite authors. His short stories are so brilliant.

Johnny Girth said:
It doesn't matter though, you can just view it how you want to.

It's like in Pan's Labyrinth - is it real or is it all in her head?
Exactly. Just like 12 Monkeys, I think it's better to have it ambiguous than obviously one way. What does it matter if he didn't? It's still a cool story.
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a think the question should be re phrased into "WHY would he want to go to mars" when he had the dirty little minx sharon stone any time he wanted, cause lets face it young shazza is way nicer then brunette FACT!
After watching it again its difficult to answer.
On the one hand quaid dreams about the brunette lass before he goes to rekall, which might imply these are his memories before the memory cap was discovered by Rekall, who in the process remove it and this releases his agent persona.

On the other hand, you only ever see quaid after the point he is drugged, so is the memory cap just part of the agent program, and it also is using his dreams as a basis for her character.

I like to think its the first from the look on sharon stones face at the start when he mentions he wants to go to mars. She is concerned and does her best to make sure he doesnt go.
Also the guy at his work seems to have the same agenda.

Suppose this is no defintive answer.
Weebull said:
Philip K. Dick is utterly fantastic, and one of my favourite authors. His short stories are so brilliant.
i have a friend who would agree with you, but personally i think that while his idea's are nothing short of 'visionary', the way he writes is sadly very boring.
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