Total Recall did quiad go to mars?

We call my brother Benny like the black guy with the manky arm :D

He broke his arm in a Longboard accident and went all thin and mangled
dirtydog said:
Same here. Seems from this thread that I was wrong, but the film makes more sense to me and I like it better to think that he did go there.

That's what I thought too, especially after reading the story it was based on and what happened in the lab when Arnie was mental before the "dream" was implanted.
G|mp said:
We call my brother Benny like the black guy with the manky arm :D

He broke his arm in a Longboard accident and went all thin and mangled

Congratulations! You have won the right to buy me a new keyboard. :)
Was watching this again with a few mates while quite ****** recently (although had to turn it off half way through because they thought it was 'boring' - unbelievable).
I always thought he went to Mars, but in the scene where he selects his holiday the doctor guy basically describes the story to come, even has an image of the alien power plant he discovers while there...
Picking the secret agent persona i can deal with, even picking his ideal woman, but the fact that the blinkin' alien generator thing was part of the holiday program just proves, to me, that it was all a dream. Severly dissappointed.
Robosapien said:
Was watching this again with a few mates while quite ****** recently (although had to turn it off half way through because they thought it was 'boring' - unbelievable).
:eek: get new mates tbh ;)

I always thought he went to Mars, but in the scene where he selects his holiday the doctor guy basically describes the story to come, even has an image of the alien power plant he discovers while there...
Picking the secret agent persona i can deal with, even picking his ideal woman, but the fact that the blinkin' alien generator thing was part of the holiday program just proves, to me, that it was all a dream. Severly dissappointed.
I will have to watch more closely next time but I am disappointed too - the idea of him actually going to Mars is a hell of a lot cooler.
I just love arnie quotes, and at the start of Commando when he's feeding the deer. LOL! Loves it! :D

Anywho, I didn't know this about Total Recall, so thanks for the enjoyable read! :D
So when he wakes up after falling asleep for the first time, he didn't actually wake up? And the whole film is actually his Recall Holiday Dream Package?

If so then I don't like that and wish this thread never existed. :(
He did go to Mars.

How do I know?

When Dr Edgemore from Rekall arrives to try to get him to come out of his "Fantasy", Quaid/Hauser notices a bead of nervous sweat trickling down Edgemore's neck. If Dr E was just sitting in a dream couch why would he be afraid? He's afraid because he's there, on mars, with Arnie pointing a gun at him.

The Alien artifacts on screen are explainable. Cohaagen wanted "Quaid" to partly unravel the mystery so that he would innocently meet the rebels. It was all planned, but as we see when he starts to reveal things during the implant procedure, that the secret agent stuff had not even been implanted yet. Implanting the secret agent stuff would be merely a failsafe, to make sure that he made the right moves when he actually got to mars.

If the whole Mars thing was just a dream, then this means that the Sharon Stone character was a good little wife all along. And nothing in the film suggests this.

Quaid / Hauser WENT TO MARS!!!
ElvisFan said:
He did go to Mars.

How do I know?

When Dr Edgemore from Rekall arrives to try to get him to come out of his "Fantasy", Quaid/Hauser notices a bead of nervous sweat trickling down Edgemore's neck. If Dr E was just sitting in a dream couch why would he be afraid? He's afraid because he's there, on mars, with Arnie pointing a gun at him.

The Alien artifacts on screen are explainable. Cohaagen wanted "Quaid" to partly unravel the mystery so that he would innocently meet the rebels. It was all planned, but as we see when he starts to reveal things during the implant procedure, that the secret agent stuff had not even been implanted yet. Implanting the secret agent stuff would be merely a failsafe, to make sure that he made the right moves when he actually got to mars.

If the whole Mars thing was just a dream, then this means that the Sharon Stone character was a good little wife all along. And nothing in the film suggests this.

Quaid / Hauser WENT TO MARS!!!

Most of what you quote as evidence of reality happens after Quaid has been to recall. So it could all be part of the dream experience. Including the beads of sweat of Dr Edgemore.
From the moment he wakes up, it could all be a dream, so just because they say they have failed to implant the secret agent stuff, doesn't mean haven't done so back in reality.
Sharon Stones character only turns evil after he wakes up on the recall table. Just because she tries to put him off Mars before he goes to recall doesn't really prove she wasn't his actual wife either. Maybe all of the fighting on the news made her think it was too dangerous.
I admit I didn't think that the alien artificats on the screen might be deliberate and part of Cohagens plot, but that suggests the staff at recall were 'in on it', and not one of them acted like they knew what was happening when things started to 'go wrong' (or right, depending on how you look at it.), even when out of Quaids sight.
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I'd have said he did go to Mars simply because we see things he does not. I.E we so Cohaggen etc when Quaid is doing other things. Not everything after his visit to Rekall is seen from his perspective, or even seen by him, but we see it. So that suggests it was real?
Like has been mentioned here before, I suppose you can take it any way you want to with this film though!
Panzerbjorn said:
He never went to Mars, the whole film is the implanted dream.

I thought this was pretty obvious, maybe not...


clearly not, as i always thought that the implant story was a way to trick quaid into thinking the generator was only a figment of his imagination, to stop him finding it, assumed by the way the guy sweats before he shoots him in the head.
Will have to watch it again to see if ive been a complete tool..
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I think you're making too much of the sweat. I would be sweating buckets if I had to put electrodes into some ones brain! :p

I have always been under the impression that from the moment he wakes up in the chair, it's all the implanted dream. No matter what happens, it was designed that way.

I think you're right though, it requires another watch or two just to be on the safe side.

Don't you think the most likely thing is that when they made the film they weren't sure. There was a few little things but the film never really focused on anything other than being an action movie. Paul Verhoeven then decided it was way more artistic to have the movie as a dream.. just like he had intended all along... ;)

If the memory was implanted why was his wife there? And his co-worker? Not sure if they asked him for these details before hand.. been a while since I watched this!
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