totaly custom painted WC rig - Progress log

im starting to wonder how many people have read the text lol. the green cables are going ASAP, but theres other parts that need aquiring faster than those horrible green cables !

and blue is just... EURGH ! as far as iom concenred.
just give this poject a chance to develop and you will soon see it the same way as i :)

still got a lot of college work to finish, so im guestimationg the PC will be finished within 2 weeks form now

I read the text, and did notice that, but you need some Mushkin Redline TBH. ;) Would kee even more to the theme, although at great cost I am sure.

It looks OK, although not my cup of tea, but I do know that some things do just look so much better in real life.
no ones ( as far as i know ) has quite done anything liek this, mainly because of the cost it would take to pay sum1 to paint it, but being that person i dont have to pay a penny lol
You'd be surprised Ive seen sum amazing painted cases over the years, by sum very skilled people. a lot of case modders don't need to pay someone as they know how to use an air brush etc. I think the red looks good and the flames should also look amazing.

Mark A said:
You'd be surprised Ive seen sum amazing painted cases over the years, by sum very skilled people. a lot of case modders don't need to pay someone as they know how to use an air brush etc. I think the red looks good and the flames should also look amazing.


I agree with that, go on bit-tech and check out the mods...mmmm....
Not my taste but its obvious a shed load of work has gone into it. If you like it then the work was not a waste.
Okay, bit more progress on the cooling, ive ordered 7 foot of tygon, some connections, a brass top for the RBX, and some other stuff which ive forgot, iv also ordered a sample of the Tempur material for the pump, and bought the RBX block its self from a member here.

do it looks like monday will be D-day for painting !!

got the maze $ and the 2 hard drives masked up and ready for priming / painting too, not sure what im gonna do with the HDD,s ill make it up as i go.

not painting my seagate - cant afford to loose that one, but its going in an enclosure anyway to keep the noise down

heres a SUPER SIZE pic of the case, which represents the colour a little better, but still doesnt bring out the subtle prismatic flakes and metalics in the colour

and heres the pics of the parts on the paint list :

Btw, due to all the posts in this thread im going to use this orange colour for all the UPDATES
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It's looking very nice, but be warned: When you fill it, make sure there are no screws/metal /scratchy objects around, it would be The Worst Thing Ever™ if you scratched the paint after all this work.
monkeypants said:
The Worst Thing Ever™
lmao, i like the TM :D

im debating whether to post a progress picture of the side of the case yet... i guess not because non of you will really understand why it will look the way it its unfinished state lol
Okay, tiny little update... was expecting the thinkgs to be delivered monday, but they came today !

first of all, the brass top for the RBX, not what i was expecting, so not a lot of area to paint :(


Next up, slightly better puic fo the rad and pump, still odd pits that need polishing, and need bits of residue off the polish removing, but nearly there !


Lastly, ive been spendintg the last few hours painstakingly making my own version of 'cool sleeves' only... BLACK :D
the brass top for the RBX

Looks like a lucite/plexi top to me :confused:

How did you make the 'cool sleeves' btw, they look good and I might make my own.

Oh and the rad/pump are looking very nice :p
Mikey1280 said:
Looks like a lucite/plexi top to me :confused:

How did you make the 'cool sleeves' btw, they look good and I might make my own.

Oh and the rad/pump are looking very nice :p

well thats what i thought !!
totaly forgot that the RBX has 2 tops, the brass part you see is the 'top' its usualy lucide, and it was edvertised as 'rass top for RBX' i was expecting one big brass lump with thwe mounting 'arms' attached ! that would have been perfect for painting, buiut im a bit limited now :|.
debating whether i should just leave the lucide top on my RBX 478 or use the brass and paint it.

the coolsleeves are very easy to make, but a total chew on !!
its acctually pond tubing, the rubber part, cut away the rest and your left with the hard plastic rib... works a treat and is nice shiney black :D
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Put red LEDs in the lucite top :p . What size pond tubing is it, I might get some, can you get it from garden centres? Do you just cut away the soft plastic, that must have taken ages?
Mikey1280 said:
Put red LEDs in the lucite top :p . What size pond tubing is it, I might get some, can you get it from garden centres? Do you just cut away the soft plastic, that must have taken ages?

YES IT TOOK AGES, i only got a metre, £2.40 for a metre, 25mm ID tubing, you have to cut the middle bit out then go over it again trimming any excess, im about 50cm through my mter so far .

LEDs in the top is a good iddea, but theres not a lot of surface on this pice of lucide! to drill without the fear of it cracking
LEDs in the top is a good iddea, but theres not a lot of surface on this pice of lucide! to drill without the fear of it cracking

I've seen it done, I'll try find some pics. I think I'll leave the pond tubing for a rainy day then, but I will prob end up getting some, did you get it from a garden centre or fish shop?
Mikey1280 said:
I've seen it done, I'll try find some pics. I think I'll leave the pond tubing for a rainy day then, but I will prob end up getting some, did you get it from a garden centre or fish shop?

Garden Centre, it depends which top your refering to !, the top which contacts the water would be okay, but tythe mount top would be a little sketchy !

and im undecided whether to use the brass water top or not, but i think i will

the case is gonna be well lit anyway, 4 CCFLs
been painting pretty much solid for the last 11 hours. everything hass been getting a coat or tweo today, includeiing all my watercoolign parts, a ophone and the closk from my brothers mini !! so quite a busy day.

so, all comoponents are now primed, base coated, and art work is in its preliminary sstages on most parts,
although theres 2 parts which have excelled a bit and are almost fully complete.

BE WARBED THEY ARE NOT FINISHED ! ! ! ! thats why the finish looks a lil crap, and theres still parts that need correcting etc,


2x Hard Drives :)
im starting to see mistakes already, its damn hard when you stare at the same thing for hour after endless hour. tomorrow ill correct it all with my new 'fresh eyes' :)
Pretty damm fine!

i'm not too keen on the red case, being more of a black/blue/green man myself, but needless to say it looks awesome...

loving the HDD's.. how are you going to show off the work on 'em, mount 'em vertically using the screw holes on the base of the HDD?... be a shame to see all that lovely work get hidden away just mounting 'em in their slots..

again.. ******* aweosme work... really puts my n00bish wire-mesh front panel to shame :p

Keep going and MORE PICS!
well, i have 3 HDDs, one ( main - not painted)is in a home bodged enclosure, out of the way, and theres 5 HDD slots in that HDD rack in my case, so one will be right on the bottom slot, the other nearer the top, that way you can see allt he artwork... they will be lit ofcourse

a lot os the paintwork will probobly be never seen, its just soemthing i liek to know is there, and if people want to see. they can !
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