Tox's ... in it to win it

5 Mar 2006
Since I enjoy reading a lot of others here...Ill start one

Pretty much lift to keep in shape..more BB style stuff, rather than strength training. get gack to where I was a year or two back...but haveing multiple arm tendon issues and problemtatic shoulders...its been hard last year or so and had about 4 months off end of last year which killed me when i started again this year. But been persevering..and the weights going back up happily.

Currently about 75-76kg (with gym gear on) and 5ft 6" small. Posted some pics over the last year or only aim to try improove on below

last year

a couple of months back

38 next week...and joints etc. are not handling the constant loading just as well so much, so have been doing a three day split last 2-3 months...which seems to be allowing for beter revovery...than trying for 4 days.

I work overseas 4 weeks at a time then 4 weeks at I tend to change every 4 weeks or so to suit where Im working out.

Anyway..this is what done this week


Leg Extensions (Home bench)
40Kg x 15
70 x 12
85 x 10, 7

60Kg x 12
100 x 10
115 x 10
130 x 8
140 x 6

Bar Reverse Lunges
50Kg x 10 (each leg)
60 x 10
67.5 x 10

50Kg x 10
65 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10

Renegade Rows
18Kg x 10, 10, 10

Weighted Leg Raise
18Kg dbell x 10, 10, 10



Close Grip Pulldowns
60Kg x 12
80 x 10
90 x 9
95 x 9

Cable Rows
80Kg x 12
90 x 10
100 x 11

Wide Grip Rows (to chest/neck)
70Kg x 10
80 x 10
90 x 8

Rack deads (bar just below knees)
100Kg x 8
120 x 6
140 x 5
150 x 4
160 x 4
Dropset 100 x 15

and no straps used :) which is good for me. Deads arent my best exercise...but back on them last month or so since having back/hip problem since early last year.

EZ Curls
Bar+20Kg x 12
+30Kg x 10
+35 x 10
+37.5 x 8


Today Chest/Shoulders/Tris

Incline Bench
60Kg x 10
70 x 10
82.5 x 10
92.5 x 9

Overhead Press
50Kg x 8
55 x 8
60 x 10 (well happy with that last set...and no shoulder pain)

BW x 10
+15Kg x 15
+25 x 15
+35 x 15
Dropset BW x 30

Wide Grip Upright Rows
50Kg x 15
57.5 x 12
62.5 x 11

Db Flys (the only exercise that gives me still pain in left low)
16Kg x 12, 12, 12
Superset With Pressups to failure
23, 22, 19

Lat Raise
18Kg x 12, 10, 9

30Kg x 12
35 x 10
40 x 10
45 x 5

Close Grip Pushups to Failure
x 33
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Looking good mate. I wouldn't have guessed you were so light, you look much heavier! Damn manlets :p
A bit earlier this week to fit in...Legs/Core ToDay

Leg Extensions (Home bench)
40Kg x 15
70 x 12
85 x 10
90 x 8

60Kg x 12
100 x 10
120 x 10
130 x 6
140 x 10 (sure thats a weight/rep best)

Bar Reverse Lunges
50Kg x 10 (each leg)
60 x 10
70 x 10

60Kg x 10
80 x 10
100 x 10

Dragon Flags 5, 5, 5

Weighted Leg Raise
18Kg dbell x 10, 10

Weighed Slight Decline situps 20Kg plate x 20, 20

Vids of the squats 120 & 140....they felt OK..but can see I struggled a bit with depth on the 140kg 1st few reps, but seems to get beter the more i do and towards the end. Maybe just some hip stifness? Did feel kinda heavy at the start..maybe just ned to relax more into it. do you embed these vids?
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Squats look fine. It looks like the reason you struggle slightly with depth is because you have tight glutes, which are easy enough to stretch out.

Facing away from the pins though :eek:
Thanks Kd :)

Squats look fine. It looks like the reason you struggle slightly with depth is because you have tight glutes, which are easy enough to stretch out.

Facing away from the pins though :eek:
cheers. It is something ive been working on since hurting lower back last year...will keep at it. Would like to see me going an inch lower or so.
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Just about not bothering today...les and core sore from Sunday, feeling fulll of a bug and tired. A few sets in felt great....

Close Grip Pulldowns
60Kg x 12
80 x 10
95 x 10
100 x 7

Cable Rows
80Kg x 12
95 x 10
105 x 10 (just...last rep debatable)

1 Arm Db Rows
52Kg x 12, 15 (each side)

Rack deads (bar just below knees)
100Kg x 10
120 x 10
140 x 10
160 x 10

Wide Grip Rows (to chest/neck)
80Kg x 10
90 x 10, 8

EZ Curls
Bar+20Kg x 12
+30Kg x 10
+35 x 10
+40 x 8, 5

Ok that was mental for me...always struggled with grip which is why ive being doing these racks pulls without straps last few weeks, yet today i felt could have done more than 10 in last set...and grip wasnt the weakest part. I only managed 4 last week. Very strange...or could just be conquering small/week hands syndrome :)

Great, felt like I could have pulled anything today which was weird considering how ive been feeling last two days.
Missed the vids the other day, tidy squatting toxic, keep working at the depth, that's what I have been doing recently and it really makes a difference.

Couple of things, i don't know if I am the only one, but having the pins behind you is a big no in my book, you can see what your doing when racking, and if you need to rack in an emergency, well you could have issues :( and your catch bars are way to low to properly mitigate the chance of injury from failure, maybe it's just me being over cautious but I would change both the pins and catchers to be safer.
cheers chaps

Awesome DB rowing.

its one of those exercises that dont seem to stress me too much for some reason, even with up to 60's (using straps oc). You have that problem I think with DL's and BP...i would prefer that :D

Couple of things, i don't know if I am the only one, but having the pins behind you is a big no in my book, you can see what your doing when racking, and if you need to rack in an emergency, well you could have issues :( and your catch bars are way to low to properly mitigate the chance of injury from failure, maybe it's just me being over cautious but I would change both the pins and catchers to be safer.
Ice mentioned it also ^ ye..a bit lazy to keep changing them but good points to note. Im usually doing higher rep I tend to get away with it. If it was nearer 1rm...i would def be using rack properly :)
come to think of it..Ive only ever bailed once...and that was benching..and I was so glad the bars was there! so should probably change setup per exerice.

Anything in partciular you have been doing to squat deeper?
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Well, stretching out as mentioned, and really sitting back in to the squat and focusing on the movement more, especially when warming up or doing lighter weights, to help make the movement more second nature.
I tend to do a hip opener stretch from mobility wad, and I also do x band walks as well to help warm up the glutes. Another thing is I introduced RDL's in to my routine and I am currently doing them every workout, to really make sure that my hammers arent getting tight again between sessions.

Re the pins issue just squat facing out :) then you don't have to change them every time ;)
Today Chest/Shoulders/Tris

feeling like crap with manflu....rumbled through it

Incline Bench
60Kg x 12
75 x 10
85 x 8
95 x 5 (wanting 8, bar hit the cathcer on 2nd rep and struggeld with the rest)
75 x 12

Overhead Press
50Kg x 8
55 x 8
62.5 x 6 +4(30 sec pause, just felt heavy)

BW x 10
+15Kg x 15
+27.5 x 15
+40 x 13
Dropset BW x 20

Lat Raise
18Kg x 10, 10, 10

Flat Bach Press (1st time in a long time)
60Kg x 12
70Kg x 10
80 x 9

30Kg x 12
35 x 10
40 x 10
45 x 7

Close Grip Pushups
25, 24
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A bit of just legs today

Leg Extensions (Home bench)
40Kg x 15
70 x 12
85 x 10
90 x 9

60Kg x 12
100 x 10
120 x 10
140 x 8
150 x 3

Bar Reverse Lunges
50Kg x 10 (each leg)
60 x 10
70 x 9

60Kg x 10
80 x 10
105 x 10

really worked on getting deeper in squats, so a few less reps. Did a vid of 150 set, wife walked in and stood in front of camera after 2 reps :-/ Tried once more but only managed 3 (legs totally gone)...

Nice work tox, also I felt much more comfortable watching the vid this time, pins in front and safely place Cather :D

Depth looked really good on the squats. they felt a lot better this week. Harder though:D

I gota admit...i did not like facing the pins...ive always faced away. I felt like i was going to hit them on the way down each time, but when watching the bar moves pretty much straight down and up, no forward movement at all.
Back/Bis Session Today

Close Grips Pulldowns
60Kg x 15
80 x 12
100 x 8

Wide Grip Pulldowns
60Kg x 12
70 x 10
80 x 10 (happy to do these..shoulder seems fine with WG now :))

Close Grip Cable Rows
80Kg x 12
95 x 10
107.5 x 10

Deadlift (rack from couple of inches)
60Kg x 6
100Kg x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 3, 3
130 x 10

EZ Curls
Bar+20Kg x 12
+30Kg x 10
+35 x 10
+40 x 8

So i dont do much full DL's...but ready to try again as back feels OK these days. I vid'd the two last sets. I would say form could be beter, and need to work on this before I try any heavier. So any tips welcome from the pros :)

I would say looking that back could be straighter, would probably help by lowing my hips a bit at the start and pushing chest up a bit. It didnt feel bad when doing it. I just felt I should be getting more from the legs.


Some very nice lifting going on in here, the squats especially impressive after lighting the quads up with some isolation work. Strong back work too.

Looking at your deads I think you've already seen your back could be straighter. I find I do that if I try to bend my legs too much.
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