Tox's ... in it to win it

Some very nice lifting going on in here, the squats especially impressive after lighting the quads up with some isolation work. Strong back work too.

Looking at your deads I think you've already seen your back could be straighter. I find I do that if I try to bend my legs too much.

cheers mate. Its coming on...aches and pains finally starting to go so I can put some real effort in. I think your pretty much the same...looks like you lifting some good stuff also now after some up and downs :)

The, i think that lowering my hips a bit more to starighten back would mean too much bend in legs, Ill give it a try next week and see. Or maybe if i could get my chest and shoulders up a bit this might help without bending legs so much. My back has only been good the last few months after being an real issue for about 1 1/2 years....dont want to go there again!
Today Chest/Shoulders/Tris

Incline Bench
60Kg x 8
75 x 10
85 x 9
95 x 6
75 x 12

Overhead Press
50Kg x 8
55 x 8
62.5 x 8 (felt lot beter than last week, 8th was tough though)

BW x 10
+15Kg x 15
+27.5 x 15
+40 x 14 (hmm...thought would get 15 today)

Wide Grip Upright Rows
60Kg x 10, 10, 10

Flat Bench Press
60Kg x 13
70Kg x 12
80 x 11

Lat Raise, 2 sets to max
18Kg x 14, 15

30Kg x 15
35 x 14
37.5 x 12
40 x 8 (tri's gone elsewhere now)

Beter session that last weeks effort.
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40kg dips for 14 reps! :cool:

Then again you're around 15kg lighter - but even so I don't think I could rep 25kg for 14 reps. Good going!

Have you tried using olympic rings to do dips?
40kg dips for 14 reps! :cool:

Then again you're around 15kg lighter - but even so I don't think I could rep 25kg for 14 reps. Good going!

Have you tried using olympic rings to do dips? a dippy :D Ive actually last month or so gone to 15 reps for the dips as I was at 47.5Kg for sets of 10. I thought keeping the reps up would keep the weight lower and protect my shoulders a bit....
You are right, I am fairly light compared to some of you big guys, it makes a big difference. One of my favourite exercises though.

There was once a comp started on MP forums about 2 years back, see how many BW dips you could do in 1 minute. I think i managed 57 or something..its a fun exercise to try for the burn. I have a go every so is 64, but no vid of it. There is one in my utube account though of the Mp comp attempt, ill post it.

Ive never used I train has them. Would love to try that and pullups using rings.
So away overseas again for 4 some changes to training and exercises

Yesterday, Did some abs/arms only so I dont have to try fit in this week. Hate doing this stuff at end of seesion realy.

BW x 20, 16

EZ curls
Bar+30Kg x 10, 8, 10, 9

Hammer Curls
18Kg x 10, 10 10

60Kg x 12
65 x 10, 10, 10

Rope Pushdowns
38Kg x 10, 10, 9

Renegade Rows
18Kg x 10, 10, 10 (form on these was shocking..need todo before hitting tris)

Weighted Leg Raise
18Kg x 10, 10, 9

Cable Wieghted Crunches
43Kg x 15
46 x 12
48 x 10


Today Legs

Bar x lots
70Kg x 8
100 x 10
110 x 10
120 x 10
130 x 10
135 x 5

Bar Squating taking bar of the side of a smith there is no rack :( or proper catchers so need to watch weight and not risk fail, so try more volume just now or use the smith machine...

Db Walking Lunges
20Kg x 11 (steps each leg)
24's x 10
26's x 10, 8 holy crap...thats hard

Leg Extensions
115Kg x 10, 10, 10

Calf Extension Machine
155Kg x 15
165 x 12
175 x 11, 10

60Kg x 10
80 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 8

Currently 75.8Kg, probably need to eat more as I aint gained any weight last 3-4 weeks.

Small Pic update
Bit of Back Work Today

Deadlift (full)
70Kg x 10
100Kg x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5
170 x 3

Yates Rows
100Kg x 12
110 x 10
120 x 9

WG Machine Rows to Neck
65Kg x 12
75 x 10
85 x 9

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 10, 10, 8, 8

Cable Straight Arm Pulldowns
32Kg x 12
36 x 10
38 x 10
Chest and some shoulders

Incline Bench
60Kg x 10
70 x 10
80 x 9
90 x 4 ....hmm, maybe the slightly higher incline made harder

Db Shoulder Press
22Kg x 12
26 x 10
30 x 10

BW x 15
+20Kg x 15
+40 x 15 ...just

Wide Grip Upright Rows
60Kg x 10, 10, 9

Flat Bench Press
60Kg x 10
70Kg x 10
80 x 9
90 x 5 .... shattered, total
70 x 10+5

felt tired when I started, lack of food I think...nothing very great today
im well aware of the shoulder inplications :) as ive had so many! I do them real wide a snatch grip just up to lower booby isnt stressing in a bad way so much. It realy just hits the outer parts more.
Actually...apart from presses and these and some lat raises..i dont do much else now for delts.
A bit of arms and abs....

CG Chins
BW x 23, 20 (well 3/4 reps keeping full tension on arms)

Ez curls
Bar +30Kg x 10, 10, 12

18Kg x 10, 10, 12

Close Grip Bench
60Kg x 12
65 x 12
70 x 12, 10

Rope pushdowns
38Kg x 10, 9, 9

Cable Wieghted Crunches
43Kg x 15
46 x 15
48 x 13

Hanging Leg Raise
10, 10, 10

45 Degree Incline situps
x 30
Really dislike upright rows. Don't tell ice or dom you do them ;)
Unless your shoulders are prone to shoulder impingement from this kind of movement you're mssing out on a great exercise. Not looking for a debate on the pro's and con's of upright rows but have you tried different variations or you just don't like the mechanics of it?
im well aware of the shoulder inplications :) as ive had so many! I do them real wide a snatch grip just up to lower booby isnt stressing in a bad way so much. It realy just hits the outer parts more.
Actually...apart from presses and these and some lat raises..i dont do much else now for delts.
Same. I basicially perform the movement like a lat raise but the bar allows the use of a lot more weight. Elbows low and I only bring them up about as high as I would a lat raise (bar comes to nipple height) The delts get hit very hard and the make a good change from all the pressing movements :)
Leggies Day

Leg Extensions
115Kg x 12
125 x 10
135 x 10, 7

100Kg x 10
110 x 10
120 x 10
130 x 8

soemthing not quite right..struggled for balance and gettin mega lower back pumps.

Smith Bulgarian Split Sqts
60Kg x 8, 8 ,8

Calf Extension
155Kg x 15
165 x 15
175 x 12, 15

50Kg few warms up reps
80Kg x 10
100 x10
120 x 8

Not realy been happy with squating last two weeks...might have a little break next couple of weeks and keep weight lower...reps very high. However..legs feel totally blasted :)
I use a bar at home...but just mix it up sometimes, easy setup with the smith there. Dont actually like using Dbs for doing these anyway.
DBs are far, far, superior.

Not only will you be getting significant forward lean with a bar on your back, because it's fixed you are missing out on a huge amount of stabilisation stimulation in your legs and core.

Put your front foot on a step for extra ROM and use DBs. I guarantee you'll feel humbled by the weight and the DOMS :D
To echo Ice here DB's are awesome here, the stablisation benefits are noticeable very quickly as well. LiE mentioned that things like putting on socks standing up is now straight forward, I have found the same after only a couple of weeks.

BSS make putting on socks easier.....fact :D
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