Tox's ... in it to win it

cheers...ill be at 250 in no time:rolleyes:

Id be happy to do 200Kg for 1 actually..never even attemped before:o Quite enjoying the DL's now for once in my life.

Whats next coach? 170 for as many reps as I can?
For hypertrophy I'd prefer to hit 160x8x3, and if I can do that, up it the next week to 165x8x3.

I'm doing strength and doing 5's at the moment 5x3.
Ditched shoulder workout yesterday...shoulder joint is aching.

Plan to drop the weight this week and up the releive some stress of my poor old body


Leg Extensions
75Kg x 15
85 x 15
95 x 15
105 x 12

Front Squats
50Kg x 15
70 x 15
85 x 10 (was harder than id thought it was going to be:()

Back Squats
100Kg x 20

50Kg x 15
70 x 15
85 x 15

16Kg x 15
20 x 11 holy pump...enough

Calf Extension Machine
175Kg x 15, 15, 14

Calf Press On Leg Press Machine
200Kg x 12, 15, 14

Higher reps meant to be easier...was actualy torture lol
Chest/Shoulders Today

Flat Bench Press
60Kg x 15
80 x 12
90 x 12

Db OH Press
20Kg x 15
24 x 12
28 x 12

BW x 10
+10Kg x 15
+20Kg x 20
+30Kg x pump

Db Lat Raise
12Kg x 15
14 x 14
16 x 12
18 x 10

Inc Db Press
22Kg x 15
28 x 10....kills my shoulder joints :(

Bent Over Rear Delt Flies
14Kg x 15
16Kg x 12, 12
I swear your triceps are mechanical :p :D

Regarding Incline DB press, have you tried playing with rep ranges? May just need to drop the reps but up the sets if it's numbers your are chasing. :)
I swear your triceps are mechanical :p :D

Regarding Incline DB press, have you tried playing with rep ranges? May just need to drop the reps but up the sets if it's numbers your are chasing. :)

na AC joints are ******...both of them! Even just getting into position makes them crunch :rolleyes: Before the last one had issues I could press the 40's :( Its no so bad with a bar...more stability there.
Back Day

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 12, 10

CG Chins
BW x 12, 8 ..tendonitis stilllll troublesome

60Kg x 10
90 x 10
120 x 10
140 x 12, 10

90Kg x 15
95 x 12
100 x 12

WG Machine Rows to chest
75Kg x 12
85 x 10

41Kg x 12, 38Kg x 11, 34 x10 29 x 11

Moving Towards an HIT style of training this week, if goes well this week will do for a couple of months...

Leg Extensions
75Kg x 15
105 x 12
135 x 12

Front Squats
60Kg x 13
75 x 12
90 x 9 ...clean grip but need to concentrate of keeping elbows up, they drop when im getting tired which makes it hard on upper body

Back Squats
100Kg x 12
125 x 9-10...lost count about 5:o Tough after previous evercises though. Should probably gone heavier.

DB SS (right down with 2 count hold at bottom)
16Kg x 15
28 x 9

70Kg x 15
90 x 12
110 x 9...pretty much spot on for weight/reps

Seated Ham Curls
75Kg x 12
105 x 6 ...too much

Calf Extension Machine
175Kg x 15, 15
185 x 13

Calf Press On Leg Press Machine
200Kg x 15, 15

Jelly legs again:D
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Chest/Shoulders Today

Flat Bench Press
60Kg x 15
80 x 12
97 (lb plates:rolleyes:) x 10...spotter touch last

Db OH Press
20Kg x 15
26 x 12
32 x 9...then fail

BW x 8
+20Kg x 15
+35Kg x 12
+50Kg x 10? counting again...if so failed 11th

Db Lat Raise
16 x 12
20'sx 10..then fail

Straight into

Cable Lat Raise (1 set to fail)
8.25 x 11

Inc Bench Press
60Kg x 12
80 x 9th

Bent Over Rear Delt Flies
12Kg x 15
16Kg x 10
18Kg x 11th

I like this...all over in 45-50mins
Back Day

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 12
+10Kg x 10
+15Kg x 7
Bw x 10

70Kg x 5
100 x 10
140 x 5
150 x 10, 9

90Kg x 13
95 x 10
105 x 10

WG Machine Rows to chest
80Kg x 10
90x 9

3 sets..last 9 to fail

Leg Extensions (home)
40Kg x 18
70 x 12
85 x 12

Front Squats
60Kg x 15
75 x 12
95 x 9 ...pulled a muscle in my back somewhere along this set, aches when i more breathing today :(

Back Squats
100Kg x 12
130 x 11

DB SS (right down with 2 count hold at bottom)
16's x 15
30's x 10

70Kg x 15
90 x 12
115 x 8/9...felt rubbish...seem to loose ham focus at a certain weight with these and it feels like im just bendig over, all load on lower back.

Some light guns work...need to try elimate this tendon issues

Cable Rope Hammers
15Kg x 15
20 x 15
25 x 15
30 x 14

Db Curls
14Kg x 8, 8, 8, 8
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Chest/Shoulders today and some core

Flat Bench Press
60Kg x 15
80 x 12
100 x 7 ...felt heavy...thought i might have managed another rep or two :(

Seated Bar OH Press
50Kg x 15
60 x 10
65 x 9

BW x 8
+20Kg x 15
+35Kg x 12
+50Kg x 9

Db Lat Raise
16's x 15
20's x 12

Straight into

Cable Lat Raise (1 set to fail)
7.5Kg x 12

Inc Bench Press
60Kg x 12
82.5 x 8

Bent Over Rear Delt Flies
14Kg x 15
18Kg x 14

Pushups to fail..1 set
x 46

Hanging Leg Raise
x 20, x 20

25sec hold x 4 (30 secs rest)...not sure how long to hold these, not done much before.

A rep or so down on some exercises maybe, but traing at home now, change of equipment etc. makes difference.
Just squeeze your Abs, glutes and everythings on planks, you shouldn't just be hanging out. Chances are you'll be in agony not long after starting :p
Just squeeze your Abs, glutes and everythings on planks, you shouldn't just be hanging out. Chances are you'll be in agony not long after starting :p
I was a bit...maybe just hanging a bit much thouh. felt a bit easy. Squeeze harder next time!
Back/Tris Day

WG Pullups
BW x 12
+10Kg x 10
+15Kg x 9

CG Pulldowns
80Kg x 12
95 x 7.5 :/

CG Cable Rows
80Kg x 14
92.5 x 12
105 x 11

Deads (in rack..from 2-3")
100Kg x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 8...felt like crap
170 x off...a lot beter..hmmm..note to self!

1 Arm Db Rows
52Kg x 15....long rest x 20

decent back session but very tired, not feeling great this week. Will do tris tomorow.
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