It aint capitalism thats for sure. Octopus does have energy production (mostly wind? somebody posted them selling at 1p a unit rarely) but mostly not so they are going to benefit more then suffer I guess. The fixed prices in part comes from telling producers of energy to give them profits. UK doesnt have tons of production, doesnt really work to tell a company operating outside the UK it will cost them more to sell here.
The other part is same idea they had in the 70's if we fix prices there is no inflation. I guess it kinda works for 6 months. I got no belief in genius ideas beyond increasing production to balance what you are using or ultimately we are forced to use less overall. Ironically, stopping trains similarly would help raise inflation and reduces worth of wages, it gets silly quick as people are fighting each other I guess its a disorderly market/economy.
Venezuela issued price fixes and seized profitable companies, didnt work for them and they have larger reserves then Saudi Arabia just not as nice oil requires brains more then brawn.
Use less, its boring but most likely actual answer unfortunately. Uk currency is not strong, hence FTSE bullish to neutral at worst is my ongoing opinion