I think I’m going to invest in national grid next time there’s a dip. Why try to back the train companies when you can back the train lines huh.. one of my friends has become a maintenance worker for them and they are having intakes of staff all the time.
The way I see clean energy is pretty much the way I see self driving cars. One of the smaller startups will get larger and larger then one of the old school fossil fuel companies with stacks of “old money” will just buy them out and become a green fuel provider by doing so. Just hope that it’s one of the companies that I’m investing in.
I have a couple of quantum computing stocks that I hope will do the same. Ie Google, MSFT or Amazon etc will buy them up
One has a mkt cap on under 200mln.
Considering the big tech companies are over 1trn...im very hopeful.
One of those all or nothing shares.
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