Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

AI is not a fad.
I prefer bubble as the term. Weed I don't consider a fad either but just blew up into a bubble on the expectation of policy changes in the U.S and human nature takes over. A narrative drives the fomo.
All new tech markets go through a bubble phase and then afterwards the companies have to prove their worth. AI I'm not sure that's actually happened yet.
Covid was interesting as involved different sectors too - anything related to being at home or vaccines. Moderna and Peleton being a few examples that are a fraction of their previous values today (Moderna down 90% from the peak and Peleton nearly 95%).
Bad time to start but you gotta start somewhere. You only lose money when you decide to sell...
yep this account was to get some skin in the game while i waited for the next crash (my timing is great lol)
to maybe use my vanguard cash but being 60 now my appetite for risk has plummeted, not selling up my 1k fun account just going to sell on a green (1 out of my 3) and play with it, that t212 screen is so addictive
btw us stock market is shut today for Jimmy Carter memorial
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