Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

its 2% pre market it ll be at least another 5% by end of trading this evening.
(just by the act of me saying something the opposite will happen :P)
what about 5%...and I see TSLA down 8.5% in the first hr or so. That's almost 50% down from its highs.
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it's a wild ride, hard to not look at it going down but also don't want to bail! I'm officially in negative now - but only started properly investing a year ago, in for 10-15 years so trying to keep head clear and not bail out.
Bloodbath today, Sold out of the S&P in January, looking for a new buying opportunity. A few more weeks of this and I'll buy back in, so much tech is still overvalued.
Sold out of S&P 500 last month at 92 it's now 83 :o Could get worse if Trumps induced recession comes to fruition
it's a wild ride, hard to not look at it going down but also don't want to bail! I'm officially in negative now - but only started properly investing a year ago, in for 10-15 years so trying to keep head clear and not bail out.
The s&p has a drawdown of 10% or so every 1.2 years on average its unlikely major components are going to vanish so set the autoinvest and try not to look for a while

Remember historical averages are 7% not the 20% we've seen recently.

For a 10-15 year time frame this is like a budget sale.
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I'm averaging down on the s&p500 my time period for those investments is longer than a couple of pres terms so this may be a few years of cheap purchases
This is my approach, I'm a relatively new investor and it's a painful sight but I'm going to keep buying units every month and average down in the knowledge that it will come good on a long enough timeline.
I just wonder whether all these are so that the big sharks can hoover up all the stocks at a lower price and just shoving the average joe

Don't think so, a lot of stocks are just overvalued, thr AI bubble is done and Trump is making thr whole geopolitical and economic situation very unstable.
Although I've sold most of my USA stocks it was too late. Even when I mentioned it before this real fall.

Only saving grace is that - 3x on tesla and plantir. It's not been enough to mitigate the losses from getting out too late. But it's satisfying seeing tesla crater. Not from a money gain perspective. Just to see the pain delivered clearly by association of telsa and musk and teslas cratering sales.
Not sure what to do with my pension. Should have sold inside there too. Still might. But that's very different to my isa.
Really enjoying this correction period. Allowing me to load up again. I've increased my investments to daily purchases now, albeit smaller amounts
Id wait another week if i was you(s) this wont level out until something changes from the USA and that's not happening soon

And it's a lottery what it'll be.

Will USA be supporting Russia invade Ukraine?
Will trump decide to pull out if nato?
50 percent tariffs anyone?

Who knows! I don't think anyone does. I doubt it will be good whatever it is
Tesla down over 12% today.

Timing when to go back into the market is difficult but I think we have a lot more down side yet and recovery will be slow.
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