Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

the way i see it there are 2 options for people :
1) work out what your lose is, sell up and watch as it drops and by back in at a lower cost, for better return.
2) HOLD - forget about your stock and wait 5-10years for it to regain value.

you'll never know what the bottom is.
i dont see things improvng quickly and i see the market dropping even more.
there far to much uncertainty going on in the work over the next 6months let along 4years.
markets dont like uncertainty.

invariable the HOLD strategy pays of long term but i really think its going to be a long while at the moment.
the way i see it there are 2 options for people :
1) work out what your lose is, sell up and watch as it drops and by back in at a lower cost, for better return.
2) HOLD - forget about your stock and wait 5-10years for it to regain value.

you'll never know what the bottom is.
i dont see things improvng quickly and i see the market dropping even more.
there far to much uncertainty going on in the work over the next 6months let along 4years.
markets dont like uncertainty.

invariable the HOLD strategy pays of long term but i really think its going to be a long while at the moment.
3. Keep on averaging down/up whatever.
That's what I'm doing, my entire portfolio was up 50% in the last 6 months and is now down to -3%. I'm happy to carry on adding as long as I know none of my picks are going bankrupt.
So.... at what point do we just dump a wad of cash in the snp500, safe in the knowledge that it will bounce back as it always has?
I fully recommend that approach. For me it's like one of those slow motion car crashes where you know you really shouldn't look, but can't help it!

Only problem is... I have a lot of client portfolios I do have to look at a little more seriously :cry: :cry:
So.... at what point do we just dump a wad of cash in the snp500, safe in the knowledge that it will bounce back as it always has?
Whenever you want to. It will go back up, one day. Just be happy to see your investment evaporate in the meantime.
My son is still DCA'ing into it, but it's a long term thing for him.
The problem with this "Trump slump" is that this market uncertainty could go on for 4 years ( or longer ). Normally I ride these events out, but my gut tells me this one will be bad and prolonged.
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So.... at what point do we just dump a wad of cash in the snp500, safe in the knowledge that it will bounce back as it always has?
Just buy in a little at a time. I'm just picking up companies I've been watching a long time that I think are well priced.

If Trump decides he cares more about the stock market than tariffs, this'll reverse in a heartbeat.
the way i see it there are 2 options for people :
1) work out what your lose is, sell up and watch as it drops and by back in at a lower cost, for better return.
2) HOLD - forget about your stock and wait 5-10years for it to regain value.

you'll never know what the bottom is.
i dont see things improvng quickly and i see the market dropping even more.
there far to much uncertainty going on in the work over the next 6months let along 4years.
markets dont like uncertainty.

invariable the HOLD strategy pays of long term but i really think its going to be a long while at the moment.
Option 2 but I am hoping for a.much shorter timescale in months not years ;)
I'm less confident about the SnP regaining it's top of the pile status.

I'm not sure if irreparable damage is done.
This is unlikely but I have concerns the RotW is going to try to escape American companies. Trump is so erratic who's to know what's coming.

If you go moderate.. Persistent tariffs, leaving NATO, sky High valuations, theres a lot of scope that this is the top for a very very long time.

Go a bit further.
What happens if Trump literally allies with Putin? What if America becomes a dictatorship? What happens if Europe literally starts spending everywhere else (Inc China). If we really annoy him could it be more than tariffs?

To get back to pre Trump... How far is that in the future? Feels a long way.

I guess on balance I barely see any positive outcomes.. But there are edge case very very bad outcomes.

For the first time ever.. I don't know what to do with my pension. Where else is better than the Vanguard all world Acc? It's still heavy into the USA
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So.... at what point do we just dump a wad of cash in the snp500, safe in the knowledge that it will bounce back as it always has?
for me that will be in two weeks time, when my bonus get's paid into my pension..
my mate just given me his half of the lads holiday we going on this year, I've paid in full on my credit card. There is a the temptation just to dumb it all on the S&P 500.. obvs I have the funds to cover the credit card bill when it comes; if it goes south.
I'm less confident about the SnP regaining it's top of the pile status.

I'm not sure if irreparable damage is done.
This is unlikely but I have concerns the RotW is going to try to escape American companies. Trump is so erratic who's to know what's coming.

If you go moderate.. Persistent tariffs, leaving NATO, sky High valuations, theres a lot of scope that this is the top for a very very long time.

Go a bit further.
What happens if Trump literally allies with Putin? What if America becomes a dictatorship? What happens if Europe literally starts spending everywhere else (Inc China). If we really annoy him could it be more than tariffs?

To get back to pre Trump... How far is that in the future? Feels a long way.

I guess on balance I barely see any positive outcomes.. But there are edge case very very bad outcomes.

For the first time ever.. I don't know what to do with my pension. Where else is better than the Vanguard all world Acc? It's still heavy into the USA
Problem is I think even a lot of the global funds are quite heavily weighted to the US currently, so are feeling the pain.
I'm starting to wonder if my 'two years cash' reserve is enough. :p
That's still only two years into this idiots term.
For the first time ever.. I don't know what to do with my pension. Where else is better than the Vanguard all world Acc? It's still heavy into the USA
I'm heavy in the all world as well, it's approx 60% of portfolio.

I'm impressed with how resilient VHYG has been though - glad I diversified into that.
At this rate the - 3x on plantir and tesla are going to pop at 8am tomorrow.

No satisfaction in seeing plantir fall. But damn...the joy of Seeing tesla tank is taking the edge off the pain of the sea of red.
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