Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

1 May 2007
The banks have been having a great few days! Anyone able to summarise why?

I'm holding onto a lot of BARC at £1.66 :cool:

RBS back up as well. I'll be taking my money and running this time i think. No idea what has caused it but there's always some bad news from Europe around the corner to dampen the mood!
18 Oct 2002
RBS back up as well. I'll be taking my money and running this time i think. No idea what has caused it but there's always some bad news from Europe around the corner to dampen the mood!

Same, part of me is thinking 'this is great, imagine the profit when it is £2.50!'

the other half is thinking

'Some news is going to send this back to £1.80, sell up and buy more when that happens'.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
RBS has been to 500 or more couple years back. Its a bit like Citibank and AIG recently, back up but nowhere near a proper recovery. Thats the reason why they all rising, in line with USA finance assets, the gov just made a total profit on its bailout which is relatively good news.

The top for RBS would be more like 1200 or something silly and I dont think it can do that but Lloy can be 100 or so. I see their base market of mortgage as much simpler, they only need people to pay back that money and thanks to inflation there is a very good chance?

Barc can be 400, its half based in USA so watch XLF which is at highs for this year
[BCS & BARC are the same stock, USA vs UK]

However Iam sceptical of a straight rise. 240 onwards is a nasty brake for Barc as many holders will sell here. Also one of the top 10 investors does not like their new CEO , awkward, inexperienced and unable to manage a global bank was about the sum of it.
He was chosen as safe and uncontroversial I think due to political influence. Bob gone will show as lower profits now

So long as they avoid hitting an iceberg, all the banks are cheap potentially long term. Finance is the most subsidised industry in the world

the other half is thinking

Take some profits. Like we saw with CNR if you cant buy when nobody likes them and gold is looking bad, you lose out massively on all those gains.
I wish I sold more at xmas and bought more recently but I didnt, too bad. Bad newbie thinking is to be absolute, buy all sell all, buy at the bottom sell at the top and its an awful way to think/trade/invest I have found personally.

XEL I think is fair to double but since Ive not done the sums thats just a guess really. They seem more then likely profitable, but the real question would be why them and not BP or Premier or any other explorer with cheap oil and future revenue/profits vs risk of unknown costs.

GKP to leave aim at last ?
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18 Oct 2002
All good advice, may take some profit soon. I'm going round the world traveling so I could easily leave all this there, i don't need it and the next year or 18 months may bring positive things.

Double bonus also in that I just checked and BARC paid a dividend out just a few days ago :)

Not a lot but it's all cash.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
BP seems strong now, nice contrast to that 422p washout ?
Im holding nearterm for 460 ideally but 450 may be where it rests realistically

I liked how this article made them sound like Captain Planet almost, let us clean up the beaches dam it :p

Essar up 20% recently, not sure why and India essar oil isnt.. Its trimmed back a bit now

Cairn come back also, bought a bit. RBI may un cap diesel price controls which I think helps them some

I could easily leave all this there, i don't need it
I cant say that so risk vs reward depends on the person as well as the company I guess

Barc div isnt great but not far off what a savings account would give anyway. They might even raise it one day, it was like 35p in 2008. Look up how much they made from the Lehmans assets and eventually I reckon it could be again
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12 Jan 2004
Indefinite QE announced by Bernanke, gold at $1770 currently. A 2m oz+ resource upgrade RNS from CNR tomorrow could really set the cat amongst the pigeons, as we've seen the mms drift the share price down over the last few days with wide spreads. News of early production could also be a double whammy, but personally I don't expect MC to comment on that until the PEA is released for La India in October.
18 Oct 2002
Sold my BARC at 226p after todays news. Got in at 166p, almost 30% rise :)

Hoping to get back in after a drop, maybe looking for sub 200p again over the next few months.
1 Oct 2006
Indefinite QE announced by Bernanke, gold at $1770 currently. A 2m oz+ resource upgrade RNS from CNR tomorrow could really set the cat amongst the pigeons, as we've seen the mms drift the share price down over the last few days with wide spreads. News of early production could also be a double whammy, but personally I don't expect MC to comment on that until the PEA is released for La India in October.

Mouth agape this morning at the price of gold! Nice rise on ORE and lets hope CNR follows suit. Could be green across the board at this rate. Shocker.
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Today was a good day for all of mine!


I forget why I bought BioFuel, but they're showing me a 36% margin!

Although I don't have supergroup, should have bought the other day
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Companies can go broke on Saturday, they just wont tell you till Monday :D Lehman did that, they opened the market on sunday for some

I reckon today is a day to be taking profits or trimming some. Slightly sad BP cant do 460 or more but maybe its just resting.
QE3 or ? cant help but confirm gold and so on and its helping the iron ore market too, though Im not sure how to get a price on iron ore?

BHP and FXPO are iron miners and BEM will be. Ferrexpo was +20% earlier but its fallen so much I can only hope for more - PE is 5
JJC is copper price, wondering about EMED if its cheap I think they produce soonish

Scott Redler ?@RedDogT3Live
Oscillator is as overbought today as we were oversold in June $spx. Trim some longs. Doesn't mean you have to short.

India raises price of diesel by over 12%
India raised the price of heavily subsidised diesel on Thursday in a politically risky move to cut the budget deficit and fight the threat of being the first Brics economy to be downgraded to junk.
Diesel prices will rise from midnight on Thursday by more than 12 per cent, or 5 rupees a litre. The Congress-led coalition government of Manmohan Singh, prime minister, has also limited sales of subsidised cooking gas cylinders to six per consumer a year.
The unusually large diesel price increase suggests that economic reformers have persuaded Congress leaders of the urgency of cutting the budget deficit, now about 6 per cent of gross domestic product for the central government alone, in order to stave off a threatened downgrade by credit rating agencies that would reduce Indian sovereign debt to “junk” status.

Direct Line is doing an IPO (RBS)

Cairn to reach 320 is reasonable I reckon
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1 May 2007
So i've sold off some RBS and happy with a bit of profit. What i'm not happy about is having to pay the commission!

Probably should have researched it all before but i was just wanting to have a go and figured i'd do it through natwest as i have online banking with them anyway...

So i'm going to move to a different broker - can anyone recommend one with lower commission that will suit me...

I will be trading very infrequently. Maybe two or three times a year and not very large amounts generally in the £500-£1000 region.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
commission isnt the largest cost, spread is. Best broker for that is harder to say, selftrade maybe who are socgen
If you are doing pauper trades, then welcome to the club :D and yea xo or again selftrade do 1.50 scheduled buys which is super cheap, normal sell cost (halifax also do this as well as fractional shares for things like Shell at £16 or 23 nowadays - its done well)

this is why I use spreadbet as there is no commission at all, its all spread

Sold some XEL at 130, on limit order cant remember why but I guess its fair place to take profit. Seems healthy.
Like BP still and can RMP come back from the grave ? SKR :(
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