Given that Funds are generally pretty diverse and should in theory protect against any major issues. How many different ones would people hold?
I've started putting money away at about £200 a month and figure at that amount buying shares isn't worth it due to the transaction charges so have just been sticking it into the Blackrock European Continental Fund.
Just wondering whether it's worth mixing it up a bit and sticking a little into an emerging market fund and some into Asia.
EDIT - Also a few years ago i made a pretty hefty loss on Quindell. I never thought about claiming back the loss relief. I've looked and i'm still within the timeframe (was 2014) but wondered if anyone had done anything similar and what the process is? Can i stick it through now? I'm not registered for self assessment as everything just goes through PAYE.
I've started putting money away at about £200 a month and figure at that amount buying shares isn't worth it due to the transaction charges so have just been sticking it into the Blackrock European Continental Fund.
Just wondering whether it's worth mixing it up a bit and sticking a little into an emerging market fund and some into Asia.
EDIT - Also a few years ago i made a pretty hefty loss on Quindell. I never thought about claiming back the loss relief. I've looked and i'm still within the timeframe (was 2014) but wondered if anyone had done anything similar and what the process is? Can i stick it through now? I'm not registered for self assessment as everything just goes through PAYE.
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