So I have only recently started inversting with Trading 212, thought I'd share what I've got in my portfolio, largest investment to smallest and my rationale as to why I bought them. I have tried to only invest in something that I understand the product or service and can understand the market they work in. For that reason, I've shyed away from things like pharmaceuticals. Comments/observations from more experienced people welcome
You must have a goal, then build your portfolio around that goal.
The massive advantage you have on trading 212 is that you can pick say, 30 companies, and cost average into them, it would cost thousands in trading fee's to do this on a normal broker.
Focus on that sort of thing first, because without a proper goal and structure you cannot make any investing decisions.
Personally i'd sell both AMD and Nvidia, Intel is a good choice right now, AMD is massively over-priced, I'd buy Nvidia for $170 ish.
BP & Shell are discounted right now, they pay good dividends and i dont see this changing for the forseeable future.
Would not buy ITV, nor would i buy Netflix, i buy into Disney, they are basically super stable over the long term and, i believe soon enough all this streaming nonsense will be hit massively, too many streaming services.
And which one is the one that you cannot cut? Disney? Why? Because you have kids and, you give them the remote to go on Disney and watch stuff, or they will start crying. Not to mention all the other things.
Diageo, not too bad, its a decent long term option, yeild on cost 10 years from now should be pretty good.
As for car companies, They are super cheap right now, and tesla is super expensive, the trend is correct IMO, its just its massively over-exaggerated.
How difficult is it to make a electric car? Not that difficult? How difficult is it for tesla to meet worldwide demand? Very difficult.
So I'd buy Toyota, Volkswagen, Daimler AG, And you can add more if you want. EV's will cause big growth in the car industry over the next 10 years, not just Tesla. But someone will be unable to adapt and go bankrupt along the way.
Regardless if you agree with me or not, notice that i am buying a lot of companies, spreading risk and so forth.
Why i am highlighting this is because like i said, you are on 212 and there are no fee's and you can buy £50 worth of alphabet, which costs $1400 per share or so.
I wont be going to 212, but i will keep my eyes open for similar brokers in the future, 60% of my portfolio is ETF's, as i dont have the time to research as much, and also, there are less and less decent options.