It's a learning exercise, isn't everyday a school day?
I find the fear in here unbelievable... if you're a day trader you must be loving this volatility, if you are a swing trader then the going is good, buy when prices are low and sell when/if they recover... and if you're a long term investor it doesn't really matter, it's a good chance to buy cheap.
the only people that it's really affecting are people who are planning to retire in the next 6 or so years... once the orange ones leaves office or gets told to pipe down, the markets will settle.
FYI, Emerging market is out paced the Dev world this year, 10.69% to 7.55%, the FTSE 100 is at 14.55% for the year. it's US market that is dragging everything down at the moment.
If you want to buy shares or funds that are still raising daily, there's plenty still to choice from.
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered"