Traffic Cops Speeding

Its not right that they can do what they want yet an ambulance can get done for doing 40 in a 30 during a possible life threating call !
You never seem to see cops stuck in traffic jams .
I think a lot abuse the system and I'm often reluctant to move over for them !
Its not right that they can do what they want yet an ambulance can get done for doing 40 in a 30 during a possible life threating call !
You never seem to see cops stuck in traffic jams .

Both ambulance and fire engine drivers have exactly the same immunity as police officers due to exactly the same sentence of the RTA. Any prosecutions over speeding are down to definitions of "their duties". Most emergency services and police forces lay down definitions of what is and is not a duty for the purposes of the RTA - i.e., what they can speed for. If they are covered by such a set of rules and speed for a purpose not laid down then they can be prosecuted. Mr West Mercia got off the speeding charge because at the time West Mercia had no such rules.

And I've often seen police cars in traffic jams just sitting there. But frankly I would rather they got on with their jobs, even if it meant using lights and sirens to clear a path.

Generally I'd agree that traffic cops do seem to be well trained, However normal plod in their cars is usually a different story..

Where I used to live, the local plod where terrible, I witnessed them speeding around a blind bend, losing it, careering into the oncoming carraigeway and heading for the pavement, then proceeding 500yds down the road to the local shop, which he emerged from 2 mins later with a shopping bag.. and drove back towards the police station, and having been behind him several times, he was always speeding, never indicated etc, a complete tool..
Its not right that they can do what they want yet an ambulance can get done for doing 40 in a 30 during a possible life threating call !
You never seem to see cops stuck in traffic jams .
I think a lot abuse the system and I'm often reluctant to move over for them !

It's not a case of "doing what they want"; do you want them getting to calls quickly or not? I'm sure you'd be the first to complain that their response times are high. They're not going to get any better if people don't get out the way.
I would report the traffic officer myself and see him/her in court. Obviosly I was breaking the speed limit myself but am I right about the Police officer as well?

You couldn't be more wrong if you were Mr Wrong from the town of Wrongton, in the county of Incorrectsville. So wrong in fact, that it makes iBots posts look correct. You'd certainly see the police in court, but I suspect you'd be in the defence box for wasting police time.

It also sounds like your Police officer mate needs to brush up on his knowledge of the RTA.
my dad knows a guy who's a traffic cop, they got a brand new pursuit car so he decided to take it on back roads and do 140mph...then hit a deer and wrote it off
who cares though?
it doesn't affect you in any way. they have jobs to do, and the quicker they go, the more ground they cover thus being able to do more things.

it's not really a big deal is it?
because if you were a policeman, you'd pootle along at 70mph and hold up the traffic wouldn't you?

Isnt it about double standards though?
mjt said:
who cares though?

But speed kills, we are always told the faster you go the more likely you are to be kill/be killed? Therefore by speeding when they don't need to the police are but the public in harms way.

They should only allowed to speed when it's a life or death call, not chasing some chav on a scooter across a park! (that's what the police helicopter is for obviously)
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Isnt it about double standards though?

Not really, it's very rare that a traffic cop will give someone a ticket for doing e.g. 80mph on a motorway unless their driving was dangerous. The double standards come from the Scamera Pratnerships who park anywhere they feel like, send tickets out for very minor infractions irrespective of driving standards and have been caught speeding on numerous occasions themselves.
But speed kills, we are always told the faster you go the more likely you are to be kill/be killed? Therefore by speeding when they don't need to the police are but the public in harms way.

They should only allowed to speed when it's a life or death call, not chasing some chav on a scooter across a park! (that's what the police helicopter is for obviously)

Going to leap out of the helicopter and arrest him are they? ;)
Not really, it's very rare that a traffic cop will give someone a ticket for doing e.g. 80mph on a motorway unless their driving was dangerous. The double standards come from the Scamera Pratnerships who park anywhere they feel like, send tickets out for very minor infractions irrespective of driving standards and have been caught speeding on numerous occasions themselves.

Normally I would tend to agree!

But the bloke who made the initial post was talking about speeds in excess of 90mph, so with that in mind... surely its all about double standards?
(Im guessing that you would get nicked doing 90 on a Motorway no matter how safe you are driving).
A 'ex-relative' of mine was a paramedic and one of his work mates rolled his ambulance on a roundabout on way to 999. It was on a tight mini roundabout which apparently they are not meant to take at over 30, the police went to scene and calculated he tried to take it at 60... afaik the investigation was still pending but the ambu driver was DEEP in the proverbial.

Seems though speed limits don't apply thjere is still rules on 'reasonable' speed...
well there really is no reply to comparing me to a name that means absolutely nothing to me.

would a better reply be haha oh god you're totally like my mate craig, oh the hilarity
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