Transformers:War for cybertron!

looking forward to it but it will probably be a disappointment

The multiplayer takes ques from MW2 in regards to perks, and its got multiplayer visual customisation akin to a MMORPG.

The only thing that would make this fail for me is if its like AvP where its got a match making system with not enough people playing it. MW2 matchmaking is instant.

Its got co-op mode so if u get burned out on MP u can join forces with others online, that is complete WIN!:)
Some of the in game character models are being released as toys too, which is a pretty big deal for the toy company to get behind a game release in this way.
Been following it since it was anounced, looks ok, but tbh till i play it and it clicks fun with me, nothing more than hope.

Transformers games have burned me hard since money first droped from my pocket in 85 for oceans half arsed effort.

The only one that gets credit was the one i never had, the ps2 game.

Ofc the ideal game would be a cell shaded generation one... but hey dream on:)
Oh and in the vids u see them transforming into cars well erm since its before earth and they have no knowledge of earth how do they know what cars etc are nevermind how they work. As iirc in the first ep of g1 the computer on-board the ship scanned and found various things the autobots could be saved with and transformed them into the autobots u all know and love. The game kinda ignores that which sucks. It would have been cool if they invented some alien transport that was their tech to match the situation. Alternatively they should have had it on earth.

Dont think you can get too specific on this sort of thing. There is no hard or fast "lore" on transformers, its been flawed from G1 Ep1.. all the transformers having the shape of their earth vehicles as robots when they transform in to completely different things on cybertron. Megatron transforming in to a gun a 20th of the size of his robot form etc.. etc... Wheeljack being called Wheeljack even though they would not know what one was, let alone need one in cybertron as they all hovered.

Its an 80's cartoon full of holes which we all ignored or didn't notice because it was fun to watch. Same as they way I look at this game, I'm going to ignore all the continuity rubbish and just enjoy playing it.
I'd rather it be flawed and be able to use the characters I know on Cybertron, than drive around it as non descript boxes which they were depicted in the first episode of g1.. or have to drive around on earth which then opens up another massive amount of continuity that people could pick holes in.

It does look quite good, mutiplayer co-op is great fun in Borderlands, so hope this follows suit. I'm holding reservation until the game is released, but I'm more than likely to purchase it because... well just because its transformers.

Oh.. and design your own transformer.. that hass got to be worth it getting it alone
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There is no hard or fast "lore" on transformers, its been flawed from G1 Ep1.. all the transformers having the shape of their earth vehicles as robots when they transform in to completely different things on cybertron. Megatron transforming in to a gun a 20th of the size of his robot form etc.. etc...

As iirc in the first ep of g1 the computer on-board the ship scanned and found various things the autobots could be saved with and transformed them into the autobots u all know and love.

The scalable gun, is obviously not an oversight (its part of the decepticon leader's MO); sound wave's cassettes do the same thing to a lesser degree.

In transformer's 2006 on the junkworld, wreckgar had wheels and transformed to a motorbike and was also incessantly quoting advert dialog from tv.

The Dinobots were based on pre-historic earth, I never read any comics on the origin of the dinobots but I'm sure those comic guys could have come up with something plausible.
Like everyone else I would love a good Transformers game but I live in hope more than expectation. Those festering piles of excrement also know as the transormers movies have done their bit to bury something I really loved as a kid so id love to see someone get something transformers related right.

If anyone does get the chance to cave Michael Bay's head in with a brick, that would also be much appreciated lest he smear another one of his bloody, stinking abortions onto celluloid :mad:.
Well time for a bump after seeing and reading the good reception the multiplayer demo is receiving all over, i knew i was onto a good 1 at last!
About bloody time we saw a good transformers game!!! :)
Oh theres a demo? I best go for a looksie.

Also yeah as kids we just enjoyed the coolness of the show than the details which as kids we didnt care about just the cool robots transforming. As an adult now tho i do nitpick more about things.
I believe he's taking a year out, so the third one will be 2012... Still looking forward to it, it'll be a trilogy worth buying on Bluray...:D

Akshully, I think location screen tests are happening now and info about the film is leaking through (characters that will be in etc)

Probably want to keep the pressure up on the poor parents buying the kids all the toys (makes me glad I've got a daughter until I remember the torture that is Hannah Montana :( )
You know I'm going to side with this. Its going to be bad, unless they pull of a batman arkham..... Doubt it..:p

Doesn't look great IMO :(
Wish they would have used similar colour palettes to the original cartoons.

looking forward to it but it will probably be a disappointment

Bought it on PC. What is the multiplayer browser like?

Edit : Those quotes were from a week ago when I was going to post an inflamatory post about how people changed their tune on this game.
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