If you don't have TF1 (therefore qualify for 25% off), you can get 17% off by buying it from GamesPlanet.com and entering the code FEVER5 at checkout.
Got the code from watching Squirrels preview of it on YouTube (link in video description):
Every penny counts!
I have just got my key from cdkeys and entered it into Steam but it hasn't been released yet, anyone know what time in the UK it is unlocking
It look liks TF2 is released I;m downloading it now.
I enjoyed both TF1 and Cities:Skylines so expect you will too I got TF2 and just having a quick go... more time at the weekend though to get stuck in.Downloading now. Never played the first Transport Fever but I really enjoy management and design style games such as Cities:Skylines so i'm hoping this is one for me
So can you actually build towns like in CS? But without worrying about things like schools and health care etc?
So can you actually build towns like in CS? But without worrying about things like schools and health care etc?