Trumps visit to the UK

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7 Sep 2014

So 'the Donald' is to visit the UK next week and unsurprisingly some are unhappy. No matter what you think of Trump as a president (or even a human for that matter) he is the head of state of one of our closest allies. For me no matter what leader visits the UK, as head of state we should treat them with the respect we'd expect our own leaders to be treated in their country, and that's especially true of elected officials and public representatives. With the UK continuing with Brexit, I don't think that being disrespectful to the leader of the worlds largest economic power (who up until now has been very supportive on working with the UK on a fast track trade deal) is such a smart thing to do.

With that in mind (and whilst I can understand individuals wanting to protest the visit) I think the actions of Khan allowing a giant inflatable trump to float over London and major of Sheffield banning the donald from his City are not particularly wise moves.

What do the people of OCUK think? Maybe we should invite him to post a comment in here (I hear he likes engaging with folks on the internet ;) ).

21 Apr 2007

So 'the Donald' is to visit the UK next week and unsurprisingly some are unhappy. No matter what you think of Trump as a president (or even a human for that matter) he is the head of state of one of our closest allies. For me no matter what leader visits the UK, as head of state we should treat them with the respect we'd expect our own leaders to be treated in their country, and that's especially true of elected officials and public representatives. With the UK continuing with Brexit, I don't think that being disrespectful to the leader of the worlds largest economic power (who up until now has been very supportive on working with the UK on a fast track trade deal) is such a smart thing to do.

With that in mind (and whilst I can understand individuals wanting to protest the visit) I think the actions of Khan allowing a giant inflatable trump to float over London and major of Sheffield banning the donald from his City are not particularly wise moves.

What do the people of OCUK think? Maybe we should invite him to post a comment in here (I hear he likes engaging with folks on the internet ;) ).


Agree, I don't like Trump at all..... but stupid balloons won't change anything. The USA is an ally of the UK and with brexit we need to keep people sweet.
17 Feb 2006
It's not about just how we feel about Trump tho. He represent the US, and showing him contempt is very much showing the US contempt. That is exactly how a significant number of US citizens will feel about it if we are rude to him.

Khan and that other bloke no doubt doing it for free publicity. So many of our politicians have huge egos these days, and will do whatever they think improves their own political stock no matter the cost.

That's the trouble with creating positions like "Lord Mayor of Sheffield." The people who fill those roles end up thinking they're something special. Instead of public servants you end up with people who simply enjoy stroking their egos and appearing on TV.

We should have councils and not these ridiculous mayoral roles. The position of London Mayor is nothing but a vehicle for some self-serving MP to make himself notorious/famous in any case. A chance to occupy the limelight.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Agree, I don't like Trump at all..... but stupid balloons won't change anything. The USA is an ally of the UK and with brexit we need to keep people sweet.
Of course and watch him screw us royally;).

You honestly think he will give us a better trade deal due to brexit?? Look at what the orange oompah loompah has done over the last few weeks ie started a trade war with Canada and other countries. For him it’s not anything to do with making America great, more like making himself great more than the country he supposedly leads albeit not very well.

Also he’s not going to handle seeing a giant inflatable balloon floating in the sky...he will get triggered and make some hilarious stupid tweets about it.
24 Oct 2012
Of course and watch him screw us royally;).

You honestly think he will give us a better trade deal due to brexit?? Look at what the orange oompah loompah has done over the last few weeks ie started a trade war with Canada and other countries. For him it’s not anything to do with making America great, more like making himself great more than the country he supposedly leads albeit not very well.

Also he’s not going to handle seeing a giant inflatable balloon floating in the sky...he will get triggered and make some hilarious stupid tweets about it.

The guy is an idiot, he's scoring own goal after own goal, his latest being his import tariffs which have resulted in Harley Davidson moving some manufacturing to Europe. Harley Davidson. That's about as American as it gets and he's screwed them over.
23 Apr 2014
Really hope there are protests and he gets triggered, his twitter meltdowns are hilarious. :D

I respect the presidency and some aspects of the US, I have no respect for Trump and he deserves all the abuse he gets.
7 Sep 2014
Also he’s not going to handle seeing a giant inflatable balloon floating in the sky...he will get triggered and make some hilarious stupid tweets about it.

I dunno, it's quite obvious that he's avoiding London.......... can't imagine him, for example, recommending his business contacts to invest in the capital and I doubt seeing a giant baby version of himself over London will help that
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
The guy is an idiot, he's scoring own goal after own goal, his latest being his import tariffs which have resulted in Harley Davidson moving some manufacturing to Europe. Harley Davidson. That's about as American as it gets and he's screwed them over.
Yep that’s another retarded move from him as well.

I’m just surprised he hasn’t been assassinated or at least an attempt has been made.
23 Feb 2009
South Wirral
The Donald is only "supportive" of a trade deal with the UK because it puts us in a weaker negotiating position than being in an economic bloc larger than the US. He is studiously avoiding deals with the EU and instead trying to to one on one deals with individual countries. Its a classic divide-and-conquer strategy.

That "support" hasn't extended to excluding our goods from his trade war. Judge him by his actions not his words. Filling a balloon with hot air seems strangely appropriate.
1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
With a bit of luck and a following wind, it will end up like the pig in Pink Floyds 'Animals' cover. Somewhere in Kent and causing a hazard to Heathrow flight paths.

Someone may take an axe to the moorings. :cool:
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
I dunno, it's quite obvious that he's avoiding London.......... can't imagine him, for example, recommending his business contacts to invest in the capital and I doubt seeing a giant baby version of himself over London will help that
Indeed I’m a bit disappointed that the Queen is willing to meet him though. If anything she should have had some other unknown royal meet him.
25 Oct 2006
Of course and watch him screw us royally;).

You honestly think he will give us a better trade deal due to brexit?? Look at what the orange oompah loompah has done over the last few weeks ie started a trade war with Canada and other countries. For him it’s not anything to do with making America great, more like making himself great more than the country he supposedly leads albeit not very well.

Also he’s not going to handle seeing a giant inflatable balloon floating in the sky...he will get triggered and make some hilarious stupid tweets about it.
As already posted a similar crowdfund should launch a Mo balloon at the same time, you wouldn't be 'triggered' by that surely?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
As already posted a similar crowdfund should launch a Mo balloon at the same time, you wouldn't be 'triggered' by that surely?
Why the hell would I be triggered by that?? :confused:

Hell if they want to put up a balloon of Khan up then go for it, wouldn’t bother me a single bit. I’d just find it hilariously pathetic as Khan isn’t someone who is the supposed leader of the free world and hasn’t gone and made any enemies with our allies unless I’ve missed something.



10 Jun 2007
With the UK continuing with Brexit, I don't think that being disrespectful to the leader of the worlds largest economic power (who up until now has been very supportive on working with the UK on a fast track trade deal) is such a smart thing to do.
Trade deals are never done quickly and Trump is the type of moron/sociopath who doesn't believe in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Any trade deal that he would agree to would be a disaster for UK businesses.

He's president of the USA, he should be able to handle it.
The President should but Trump, like most of his supporters, is emotionally unstable and has a very fragile ego.
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