Trusted CD Key Sites.

Anyone ever used

I'm looking to get some XBL points and do them for a good price. But, seen as though PayPal don't offer payment protection for digital goods, I thought that before I buy I should ask around about them.

So, has anyone ever used

[NOTE] Just so no one jumps to any conclusions, I should point out that the site isn't a key generator/warez site.

[EDIT] I've just used them. I got the confirmation email almost instantly.
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Haxor !!!!!

Damn! You've caught me. I am teh 1337 haxor!!!! My skills are unmatched! I already have your credit card information! Just email me your credit card information and I tell you if it matches what I've already got.

[EDIT] Oh, and cheers to Bennie-Mac. Would anyone else like to chime in just in case Bennie-Mac is a filthy pawn of evil conspiracy?
[EDIT] Oh, and cheers to Bennie-Mac. Would anyone else like to chime in just in case Bennie-Mac is a filthy pawn of evil conspiracy?

Filthy pawn? I am a mighty rook! Fear my unlimited move distance at 90 degree angles!

I hope you buy from so we can take you details and secretly advertise your home as a popular drag queen meeting spot, as is customary with all people who place orders with us. MUWAHAHAHA
All this talk of t3h 1337 h4xx0r really takes me back..

Good times!
Depressing to think it was 12 years ago I started playing CS 1.1..
All this talk of t3h 1337 h4xx0r really takes me back..

Good times!
Depressing to think it was 12 years ago I started playing CS 1.1..

Pffft newb, I started on 0.7b. :p

First ever shot online in the game was a blind shot with an AWP, hit right between the eyes of the VIP.

From that day to now only time I've ever been good was when I was lucky. Good times indeed. :D
Filthy pawn? I am a mighty rook! Fear my unlimited move distance at 90 degree angles!

I hope you buy from so we can take you details and secretly advertise your home as a popular drag queen meeting spot, as is customary with all people who place orders with us. MUWAHAHAHA

Oh... please don't... that'd be terrible........

*puts on some lippy

Used them myself 2 days ago to buy microsoft points - if you like their facebook page you can get 5% off.

Cheers for the heads up. Saved £1.49.
Pffft newb, I started on 0.7b. :p

First ever shot online in the game was a blind shot with an AWP, hit right between the eyes of the VIP.

From that day to now only time I've ever been good was when I was lucky. Good times indeed. :D

pfft noob i started in Beta 2 ... We got glocks! and cs_siege :D
I've used

Never had an issue with either but the first 2 will call you from taiwan or somewhere to confirm your first order but the phone call comes almost instantly and it's a real person on the other end that speaks reasonable english
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