Turkey eggs??

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lmao :D
from me :p
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
Do roosters lay rooster eggs, or just normal chicken eggs? :confused:

I hope you are joking sir. Think of it like male and female humans; female humans have babies and male humans do not. They just fertilize the female. Now think about hens (female chickens) and roosters (male chickens). Do roosters lay eggs or is it just the female? Do you give birth?? (I'm assuming you are male here, by the way.........)
Ok, to clear this up:

A male adult chicken is known as a **** or a rooster.

A Hen is an adult female Chicken or Turkey.

A Tom is a male turkey.

Only female birds lay eggs. ;)

All female birds lay eggs.

I'm not too sure, but the eggs we buy in shops are Hen's eggs, right? So maybe they're both Chicken and Turkey.


Ah, I see it was covered earlier in the thead. Taken from here:

Although I find it very strange that I've never seen ANYWHERE sell them.
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Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
So we can't have rooster eggs, just chicken eggs? Where do the roosters come from then? :confused:

Surely when eggs are laid, just like humans they either become male or female. Easy really;)
The turkey you got for christmas maybe a rooster or a female. The bigger turkeys tend to be the rooster and the smaller one's the female hen type. a lot of the eggs produced by turkeys are empty (useless) so only a few of the eggs will ever hatch into wee turks.

My neighbour rares our Turkey's ever year and they are always over 30lbs. This years is a 37lb rooster. After looking at it an hour ago, I think it will last us to the new year.
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
So turkeys and chickens are the same beast then? :confused:

There's something foul going on here.

'Hen' is another word for female in farmers talk.

Its a good way for describing a bird's sex if you aren't sure what the name is for a female.
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