Poll: Turkish Delight

Do you like Turkish Delight?

  • Yes

    Votes: 152 61.5%
  • No

    Votes: 88 35.6%
  • Pancake with Turkish Delight

    Votes: 7 2.8%

  • Total voters
It has to be covered in powder though rather than in chocolate
That’s my experience. The stuff I’ve had wrapped in chocolates, in selection boxes etc I’ve hated.

We then got some for free with the bill in a Turkish restaurant covered in powder, and I thought what the heck I’ll try it, and to my surprise I really liked it.

I'll eat the crap cadburys version which probably doesn't taste anything like the real thing, but the big authentic chunks, no thanks
Turkish delight from Turkey is much better.

A bit like Bakewell pudding which is completely different to the commercial Bakewell tart. No icing etc
When younger I used to love the boxes of lemon and rose ones that came with about a lb of icing sugar in the box. The chocolate bar Turkish Delight is rank and the devil incarnate. I have had a couple of times Turkish Delight brought back by people who have been on holiday and some was very nice and some was just okay.
My grandad used to love the Fry’s stuff. Him and my nan used to spend Saturday nights watching a video from the rental shop with a Turkish delight for grandad and a flake for Nan. Copious amounts of Tetley tea were also drank.
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