Turn Baldurs Gate and its sequel into the single best CRPG experience you'll likely ever encounter

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
If anyone purchased baldurs gate 1 on gog.com and have the second one and it's expansion , you can use this setup guide to install both + mods and play from one game to the other with the same characters!. It also enables the first one in the engine of the second :D plus much much more


  • several hundred new areas
  • over a hundred NPCs (as in only the ones who can join your party), which of course have their own storylines, dialogue (lots of them voiced)
  • unimaginable numbers of new spells,
  • quests,
  • monsters,
  • tactical challenges,
  • class-kits,
  • romances,
  • engine modifications
  • custom-GUIs
  • widescreen resolutions
  • and just about every bug or hiccup to ever glance the game has been squashed

BGT Minimal-version <--- purists who are merely in it to relive their fond childhood memories of the games combined ( the one i use )
This minimal installation is very easy and fast done. You don't need anything to know about the BG mods. Install this version to play BG1 with the BG2 game engine until the end of ToB.

Recommend-version <- for curious newbies
The recommend mods depends on recommendations from gamers and modders from different BG game forums. This version is a small megamod and a solid basis. This version alone gives you much new game-experience and content and if you wish you can add some more of your lovely choosen mods to it.

Standard-version < - for everyone who played the games before about once or twice,
Herewith you can install all mods which have not an absurd degree of difficulty or known bugs. You can take all these Standard-mods or choose the ones, you like.

Tactic-version < - for people who whip the games out every year and breeze through it
With this installation you can add mods and components to the Standard-version that make above all the fights with the enemies more difficult and, therefore, are thought for experienced gamers.

Expert-version <-- Very buggy
This version tries to fathom the feasible and includes all available mods of the Standard- and the Tactic-version and additional the mods, which are bugged at the moment. You have a 100% chance of running into bugs and/or CTDs (crash to desktop)



Install both baldurs gate completely, that means you choose "Custom" or " Full " during the BG1 installation and check every component and you choose "Full" during the BG2 install. *WARNING* Don't install them into their standard default folders. Drop the Program Files , Don't change the root directory names. Install into C:\BG\BGII - SoA and C:\BG\Baldur's Gate

Once done, patch both of them: BG1+TotSC patch, BG2+ToB patch ( IF YOU HAVE THE GOG VERSIONS BG1 & 2 SKIP THIS STEP! )

Start a BG1 game, press Q for quicksave. Start a BG2 game, press Q for quicksave. Start a BG2:ToB game, press Q for quicksave.

Extract the BiG World Setup into your BGII - SoA folder.

Execute BiG World Setup.vbs

On the next screen, you see three directories. Even if the first two already match with your installation folder, click the [...] besides them and navigate to the according directories. Why? If you installed and patched the games according to my instructions, the [...] will turn green. Green is good. Leave the third directory intact if you don't have a good reason not to.

On the Mod choice Type Screen

Tick - Do NOT install Foreign-Language Mods
Tick - Further Customization of your mod settings

Click Continue Twice

Tick - In the darkest day (TDD) , Region of Terror , The Grey Clan Episode 1 , BG1 NPC Project , BG NPC Project Music Pack , BG1 Unfinished Business , BGT Tweak Pack , NPC Flirt Packs , PC SoundSets Version 2 , BP-BGT WorldMap.

Install or continue for it to download the mods....( It may ask you to verify the mod urls , it's easy to do on the next screen )

It should at some point go through command prompts and windows open up , let it's do it's thing. Then it will stop and it will ask you were a certain mod should be installed and you will need to point it towards your baldurs gate either 1 or 2 folder. It will also ask you what language , i think it's L for english and LS for all mods in english.


Load BGConfig , then display - hardware , push the details to max , tick both boxes

Download the widescreen mod


Load the file and unpack/install it to your BGII - SoA directory

It should have a dos style window open up , follow the instructions till completion

Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0012)

1. Extract TobEx.rar to your Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal installation directory.
2. Run Setup-TobEx.exe created in the installation directory.
3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install, re-install, or uninstall components. ( Install -> Compatibility -> would you like to see the components ( YES ) )
4. Click Install on all of them!
5. Done , run the game as normal via TobExLoader.exe


Enhance the gameplay in your edition of Baldur's Gate from GOG.com

1. Fully install Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga
2. Fully install Baldur's Gate II Complete.
3. Download Baldur's Gate II Fixpack (Download links are on the left side) and extract it to your Baldur's Gate II directory.
4. Run the newly extracted setup-bg2fixpack.exe (if not automatically started).
5. It is safe to select yes for all the optional fixes, but if you want to learn about each in detail, consult the readme file that comes with the fixpack.
6. Download BGT-WeiDU and extract it in your Baldur's Gate II directory.
7. Run the newly extracted Setup-BGT.exe and follow the instructions. You may need to run it in administrative mode in Windows Vista/7.
8. Enter Baldur's Gate I's directory when asked (if not already provided)
9. Wait for BGT-WeiDU to finish installing.
10. OPTIONAL: Download and install Baldur's Gate 1 Unfinished Business as well as BG 2 Unfinished Business. These mods restore things that were previously cut from the released product, so while you don't need them, and they do add new content, they're pretty nice to have, especially if this is not your first time.
11. OPTIONAL: Download and install any user-created material (banter packs, expansion mods, new NPCs, etc.)
12. Go to your Baldur's Gate II directory, then find and run the file Setup-BGTMusic.exe and select 'Hybrid Baldur’s Gate/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal music'. This makes it possible to hear the original Baldur's Gate music when playing Baldur's Gate I.
13. OPTIONAL: (for more experienced users) Download Baldur's Gate II Tweak Pack and apply it in the same way as the fixpack. Consult the readme file for details of each tweak - too many to list here. If you don't know what a tweak does even after consulting the readme, just skip it.
14. Download the widescreen mod and apply it in the same manner as the fixpack. This makes it possible to play the game in high resolutions and in widescreen format.
15. Remove the Baldur's Gate I installation if you wish - it's done its job!
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Thanks for the link. :)

I have the complete Baldurs Gate compilation sitting on my desk gathering dust so maybe this'll inspire me to have a go.
You're welcome!

Warning though , the download from what i can tell is huge for slow broadband speeds

Thanks for the link. :)

I have the complete Baldurs Gate compilation sitting on my desk gathering dust so maybe this'll inspire me to have a go.

That's what i have , and so far the install went perfect aslong as the instructions are followed correctly :D
I hope it is easier than the older method floating about a while back. It really was a nightmare to follow :o

VERY easy , i'm already on the installing the mod stage and the hardest part was loading the games and pressing the Q(quicksave) for each game lol
Cant you already import you bg1 charactors into bg2? Thats where the golden pantaloons come into play?

Obviously your link has tons more stuff, just wondered about the pants since im about to start bg2.
Cant you already import you bg1 charactors into bg2? Thats where the golden pantaloons come into play?

Obviously your link has tons more stuff, just wondered about the pants since im about to start bg2.

Yes but it isn't a quick job and can get ugly :p

Just follow the post link instructions , trust me it's worth it!

I'm still downloading the mods , some are very big
Okay, can somebody clarify:
Don't install them into their standard folders. Drop the Program Files. Don't change the root directory names, though. I got my stuff in C:\BI\BGII - SoA and C:\BI\Baldur's Gate

I assume you can change the drive letter though? I do not install games on my Windows drive.
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Ojkay, can somebody clarify:

I assume you can change the drive letter though? I do not install games on my Windows drive.

Don't worry too much , you can change the directory they are installed to just keep the root name.. It just makes it easier for the mod i guess.

Don't install them into their standard folders. Drop the Program Files. Don't change the root directory names, though. I got my stuff in C:\BI\BGII - SoA and C:\BI\Baldur's Gate.
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I'll give this a go, I tried that other mod a few months ago to run BG in the BG2 engine and it was really buggy so I gave up in the end.
Apparantly it couldn't download the BGTTweak_v9.rar file so it gives you the option to get it yourself(link provided) , when you have the file put it in the

C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG.com\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads

directory and continue :D
Very tempted to go back to these two games. Never completed BG1 despite putting countless hours into it. I did get into NWN about a year ago but struggled with the old-school mechanics; i.e. lack of cooldowns on spells etc, and having to sleep to regen these.

Shame the complete set of games aren't available on GOG. I.e. no BG2. And also why not on Steam?
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