Tutorials and Useful Freeware Programs Sticky

2 Feb 2012
Newcastle UK
Not a tutorial, but just came to say, over 10 years of using Photoshop and only just realised how good actions can be. Client needed me to resize a bunch of icons with the power of Actions I was able to do it in no time at all. Brilliant tool!
28 Feb 2014
High Peak
For general Web Development, I can highly recommend Traversy Media on YouTube.

He covers just about everything web development related in a style that is aimed at other developers wanting to learn a new language (so assumes you already know the basics).
And they are free!

He also has some longer courses on Udemy that go into more detail.

Just done his PHP and Laravel tutorials on both YouTube and Udemy and learnt a lot.

Udemy tip - never pay more than £11.99 for a course. If they are something silly like £100+, just wait a couple of hours and they will "magically " be having a sale at £11.99.
3 Sep 2015
the ones i use. but in not in any particular order of personal preference, just ordered from 'lightweight' to 'heaviest weight':

micro (terminal), sublime text, vscode (or vscodium) + platformio plugin (for embedded development)

but only the 3rd one actually seems to have a decent debugger integrated well into it. and that might perform (at times) a little bit slow. but it works fairly well and for modern development projects.

what else? well i suppose if you need a static dissassembler. then ghidra is cool. but it might be necessary to use some 3rd party fork(s) for proper support of specific targets. since the upstream isn't going to accept / merge a lot of the new contributions. to support specific hardware.

what else? well idk maybe there are other good tools and vscode plugins for other specific things. like web dev frontend and whatever else. unreal engine 5 perhaps for 3d stuff? many other things... who knows. depends what you are doing exactly.

and many other cool software(s) out there. for example if you want to surface scan your drives... then 'victoria' i found is pretty nice tool. many other stuff. bios tools is another one. if you need to fix or work on some bios things for whatever reason(s)
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