TV Licence Super Thread

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It's really straightforward to let them know when you don't need a license. If you honestly don't need one you then have nothing to worry about.
You are very wrong letting them know you don't need a licence can cause nothing but problems. How can you say its our fault for making our lives harder when its not. Its the TVL that are in the wrong and making our lives harder and its not simple to get them off our backs. I honestly don't need a licence and I have had nothing but problems with the TVL who contact me as often as once a week.
So after you showed them you dont need a TV license, they come back the next week?

Or are you referring to a few letters that can go in the bin with takeaway menus and junk mail...

I cant imagine how people can feel so threatened by these guys if they dont have anything to hide... or even if they did TBH
Yeah, I'm not sure why people even bother opening the letters, to be honest. Straight in the bin with other junk mail and then get on with your life. They realistically aren't going to force entry to your house, so I'd just let them rock up at your house once every couple of months then realise you're not at home or whatever.
They probably put a lil tick down next to the guys who froth at the mouth and start quoting rights while waving their fist in the air.

That tick means, revisit the guy that says he doesn't need a license, wont allow me to prove his claim and is overly defensive and aggressive toward me who is just doing my job.
So which camp do I fall in? I don’t have a TV or a TV license, I let them in and got ticked off their list with a confirmation email I don’t need a license. The TVL then do 12+ investigations on me and up to weekly threats from them. Surly you can fathom why people get so irate with TVL? I have done everything correctly why should I have to deal with the TVL on up to a weekly basis?

It sounds as though you have perhaps slipped through the net, but really, why not just lob the letter in the bin along with the 5 dozen other items of junk mail you probably receive every day?

I cant fathom why people get their panties bunched over this either.

If you dont need one then just ignore them, not hard to chuck an extra letter in the bin.

Indeed, just treat it as junk along with all the other junk?
You are very wrong letting them know you don't need a licence can cause nothing but problems. How can you say its our fault for making our lives harder when its not. Its the TVL that are in the wrong and making our lives harder and its not simple to get them off our backs. I honestly don't need a licence and I have had nothing but problems with the TVL who contact me as often as once a week.

I just feel that lots of people make more of it that they need to. If they keep contacting you, just throw the letter in the bin, no big deal.
It sounds as though you have perhaps slipped through the net, but really, why not just lob the letter in the bin along with the 5 dozen other items of junk mail you probably receive every day?

Indeed, just treat it as junk along with all the other junk?

I just feel that lots of people make more of it that they need to. If they keep contacting you, just throw the letter in the bin, no big deal.

It is a big deal they keep walking drown my drive, looking in window, knocking on the doors. The inspectors are also well known for resorting to filming though windows to try and get evidence. Even if I am friendly and let them come in and look around they come back as they won’t believe I don't own a TV, I even had the email notification I don't need a licence but it didn't stop them. In the past 3 years I have had at least 12 investigations done on me with who knows how many inspectors I lost track.

I do agree a few people make it harder then it needs to be but a lot of us don't. I have never been rude or refused an inspector to my house. Saying that after the past 4 years as of 2017 I am no longer letting them come in. In 2016 at some points they where contacting me on a weekly basis.
Oh wow, i didn't imagine it would ever be like that :)

Ive never had a call or a visit from TVL, never even seen an inspector. Maybe they cant be bothered with my house out of the way in the country.
They don't generally bother with wealthy areas, the TVL hunting ground is usually poorer estates where it's easier to get a conviction.
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They don't generally bother with wealthy areas, the TCP hunting ground is usually poorer estates where it's easier to get a conviction.

Really, how do you know?

Surely you get turned away more in poorer areas or they are less likely to be deemed able to pay.

When i was a student in Guildford, we were asked once in the year and that was it. We had a letter warning us of a visit and then showed the guy in when he got there. Didnt hear from them since. Sure Guildford isnt a poor area but i imagine they new it was student housing.
Well, i wouldn't think their wealth would come into it at all tbh but targeting specifically poorer estates makes little sense to me. Catch out someone in a middle class estate and they likely will just pay up given the chance
Targeting higher density areas i guess does make some sense from the point of view of time per visit.

You are right though, i cannot imagine ever speaking to an inspector in the way that some of these youtube videos filmed in housing estates portray :p
Oh wow, i didn't imagine it would ever be like that :)

Ive never had a call or a visit from TVL, never even seen an inspector. Maybe they cant be bothered with my house out of the way in the country.
To be fair its not always like that although what triggers the change I have no idea. I had no problem with them for I think it was the first 5 years. It was only in 2013 where it all changed and I have no idea why.
I know someone famous in the anti TVL circles who went to court and sat in the public gallery and it was mainly single parents from low income areas. Amusingly the TVL wanted him removed from court, they weren't happy with him there. They said *thankyou* by issuing a search warrant on his house with the police there etc.

He also said out of the 100 or so cases dealt with that day, only 2 people turned up to fight their case, the rest were found guilty in their absence and fined.

Oh... quotes don't work. :(
I know someone famous in the anti TVL circles who went to court and sat in the public gallery and it was mainly single parents from low income areas. Amusingly the TVL wanted him removed from court, they weren't happy with him there. They said *thankyou* by issuing a search warrant on his house with the police there etc.

He also said out of the 100 or so cases dealt with that day, only 2 people turned up to fight their case, the rest were found guilty in their absence and fined.

Oh... quotes don't work. :(

What did they base the warrant on?
Surely they can't just say "He's ******* us off, let me search his property for revenge".
Doesn't surprise me that they go for the poorer folk than they do the richer.
Richer can cough it up easily. I've met plenty that have struggled with even basics like heating, food, water etc.

Then again, like others have said. I've proven I don't have a tv & doubtfully ever will, just no interest in them.
Yet I showed them & not long after threats of "court action on nth date" & "investigation started" have been stuck through in unmarked envelopes, so I opened not realising it was just more crap.

It isn't just junk mail once in a while, it is harassment, plain & simple.

As someone mentioned earlier, they will just nosey through your windows, door etc (good luck, I'm not on ground floor) & one youtube clip, some chav is recording tvl bloke sat in his car, calling him a pervert, because he'd been taking photos into his 9 year old kids bedroom (guessing tv/console/computer was in there? /shrugs).
No idea why he didn't just call police though, I would have gone mental.

Another thing.
Beeb aren't exactly impartial (or even close hehe).
That Ken Loach film, beeb mentioned all sorts of other stuff & not one word about that by all accounts.
What did they base the warrant on?
Surely they can't just say "He's ******* us off, let me search his property for revenge".

No idea, I just saw the video he made of him opening his front door to be confronted by TVL and plod. He has been a thorn in the TVLs side for a long time!

TVL are renowned for getting warrants against people who video the TVL inspectors, they HATE being YouTubed!
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