txt stalker, can anything be done?

Think there is more than meets the eyes, she is obviously replying some times feeding the rl troll...

My advice, change HER number, problem sorted within hours, another hour or so updating everyone with new number (leaving the troll out).

Bish bosh bash, gravy and chips.


she has replied in the past, thats why he keeps doing it, he says himself if he pesters her enough she will reply, she hasn't wrote back for a good 5 months this time now and its still as bad as ever
Contact police, contact mobile network for their malicious calls team to liaise with the police and take appropriate action.
Yea, this sounds like troll thread to be honest, no matter on what advice we give, nothing will be done.

GL to reading off a 2" display for the rest of her life :)

well if she wants this desperately to stop, she should change the number, regardless.

is she simple or something?
ok, heres a little more info on why she doesn't want to change her number.

he sometimes decides to announce he is coming round, and sits outside her house, and she is worried if she doesnt get that txt she might accidently open her door thinking its someone else.

so really she needs a soloution to stop the messages at the source rather than changing her number
This has cost him in excess of £642,400 over 2 years in texting if he is on a PAYG phone lol.


ok, heres a little more info on why she doesn't want to change her number.

he sometimes decides to announce he is coming round, and sits outside her house, and she is worried if she doesnt get that txt she might accidently open her door thinking its someone else.

so really she needs a soloution to stop the messages at the source rather than changing her number

Beat the stupid **** senseless? Be a real mate.

As you said, sort the source out.

ok, heres a little more info on why she doesn't want to change her number.

he sometimes decides to announce he is coming round, and sits outside her house, and she is worried if she doesnt get that txt she might accidently open her door thinking its someone else.

so really she needs a soloution to stop the messages at the source rather than changing her number

You cannot be serious?

This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Hmm, I don't want to open my door to him, but she doesn't have a problem with him coming round? Presumably no, because if she did she would have contacted the police LONG ago, leaving your mobile number the same so she knows when the crazy psycho stalker is coming round her place is hardly the most intelligent way to 'deal' with a situation like that.

I vote troll, no one could be that dense.
she really doesn't want to for some reason, has the same number since she was a kid so is attached to it or something.

She sounds like a bit of a div to be honest.

Aside from the fact that in two years the best she's come up with is:

"Murrh, I have a problem that is making me worry about my personal safety. I'll call... the... supermarket. No, wait... the... garden centre. Perhaps... oh gosh I just don't know what government agency with a three digit phone number I should call!. I'll just curl up in a ball and maybe it will all go away. Yes. Maybe Edward Cullen will come rescue me."

The fact that she's more attached to some 11 random digits than her sense of safety makes her, in my opinion, an ass.

Yes, she shouldn't have to change it, this guy shouldn't be harassing her, but to put up with something for 2 years because she shouldn't have to change? Get back in the kitchen, the woman shouldn't have a phone, she can hear her man when he's in the sitting room without cellular technology.
Either you're making it up - or you contact the police. If you are being serious, you're both idiots for waiting 2 years. If it's a troll, it's a terrible attempt.
ok, heres a little more info on why she doesn't want to change her number.

he sometimes decides to announce he is coming round, and sits outside her house, and she is worried if she doesnt get that txt she might accidently open her door thinking its someone else.

so really she needs a soloution to stop the messages at the source rather than changing her number


Chances are the guy isn't even coming round, just likes to scare her. Regardless, change her mobile or stop answering anything he sends her, he has to be getting something out of this and I'm guessing it's her feedback of terror.
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