Type Properly Damn It...

And you've even quoted me making a mistake.... spent should by Spend.

But therein is my point. A genuine mistake and the sentance still pretty much makes sense any the meaning of it can be gathered without too much difficulty.

A silly mistake in a sentence full of rubbish could make it pretty much illegible.
I'm not saying that after every post we make we should copy&paste it into word and do a spell check
No need for that anyway, i believe you can download a free program that you can run from the tool bar.

"kk, well i will elave it running prime95 over nifght tonite."

Fair enough that has spelling mistakes in and my spelling isn't tip top. But people use 'nite' instead of night because they are lazy mostly.

Or people who shorted whole sentances into something that you have to read a few times to get the basic jist of it.

But just wondering about the mentioned staring out of words that are just annoying. Now and then I miss-spell 'the' when typing fast and it comes out as 't e h' and it'll come out stared. Does it stand for something?
Berserker said:
I have no problem with people who genuinely have difficulty due to dyslexia, disability, or whatever else. I'm well aware that some people have to make more effort than others (I'm one of them).

If you make the effort, then you have no reason to be upset (and thanks for making the effort). If you don't make the effort, then maybe you should be joining those that do.

This post summed it up perfectly for me and reassures me of the intention of the thread subject.
Which is why i have bumped it as the other posts following didn't. ;)

MarkA link me up mate i lost that prog when i lost my old hard drive.
Rednut05 said:
But just wondering about the mentioned staring out of words that are just annoying. Now and then I miss-spell 'the' when typing fast and it comes out as 't e h' and it'll come out stared. Does it stand for something?
i think it was to stop the fad that had come about with everyone simply typing teh intentionally...
nikebee said:
i think it was to stop the fad that had come about with everyone simply typing teh intentionally...
Pretty much true. Like so many other fads, people thought it was clever, but five minutes later it was annoying. :)

Rednut05 said:
Oh fair play. but it hasn't been starred out there. Ooo mystery.
Nope. No mystery there. Don't want to get people into the habit of avoiding the censor though.
This thread just made me think of this picture. I think it's someone's sig, so i hope they don't mind me hosting it in this context. (is 'Damn' allowed/acceptable under the rules?)

I feel to embarrassed to even use txt speak when sending a text... i'm slow anyway, so i may as well type the whole word.
Best one I ever heard was my aunt and uncle sending a text to my cousins saying "Flight landed on bus" to which they replied "hope bus was ok"

Posts without any punctuation are unacceptable though. A full stop is basic usage, everyone should be able to use it.
WolfR1der said:
I feel to embarrassed to even use txt speak when sending a text... i'm slow anyway, so i may as well type the whole word.
Best one I ever heard was my aunt and uncle sending a text to my cousins saying "Flight landed on bus" to which they replied "hope bus was ok"

Posts without any punctuation are unacceptable though. A full stop is basic usage, everyone should be able to use it.

I agree completely. I never use txt tlk when texting, I'd rather take a bit longer and actually have my message make sense :P.

People who mess up simple things like their, they're and there annoy me as well, we learnt basic things like that primary school.
Yup, another annoyed person here. We can't force people to learn, or to think, or even to care though, about how they come across to others. Maybe they want to be thought of as thick and/or lazy, maybe they just don't care. Maybe it's just a reflection of the standards of education and the effects of the nanny state.

I have to say, I'm surprised that we haven't seen more of these:


Or these:

What scares me is that I have both those pictures... heck a whole folder of them. My screensaver is a slideshow of them :D
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malc30 said:
I also feel that odvious typo's should not be pulled by the grammar natzi's its bad form in my opinion. I mean come on we all make typo's and we knew what he meant so why try to humiliate a chap. Poor form i say.

Unless it's a comedy typo of course. There was a poster on another forum the other day who was saying that after he'd overcocked his machine it didn't work anymore! I nearly wet myself laughing! ;)
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