Ubisoft FarCry 5 'are you ready' thread just shown up....

25 May 2013
Just pressed Save twice Swede, and yes it does save after you exit the menu. Although it sounds like it doesn't.

Just found a Flamethrower in a truck, my goodness this is fun.
7 Aug 2013
Oh no! This is a deal-breaker for me. If there is not at least an option to turn off the dumbed-down HUD, then I cannot buy this game.

How hard is it to put a setting in the options to turn off the immersion-killing eyesores? Why make a beautiful gameworld and then ruin it with bright red cartoon figures all over the screen because one of your playtesters was a moron? Why treat all of your customers like children? It’s 2018, there MUST be an option to turn off the kiddy console onscreen monstrosities? No excuse for a game with this sort of budget.
You can customize the HUD completely to your liking. It's been this way for Far Cry for a while now.

And what on earth are you ranting about anyways? This game has even gotten rid of the minimap. It's exactly what you're looking for, FFS!

Also, HUD elements have nothing to do with console players. :/ Like, what?
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