Ubuntu: An Excellent Beginners Distro

Another Linux n00b here. Only experience of Linux I have is that I installed Red Hat 9.1 (think it was, might have been 9.3) ages ago on a spare machine but never actually played with it. Downloaded Ubuntu last night and hopefully I will get the chance to install it this weekend.
I have just downloaded the live version and I am not very impressed. It was very slow to boot and starting writer took an age. knoppix is significantly faster and includes much more. Also the nautilus setup was awful. It seems they have reduced all its options, no toolbar and no way That I could find to turn on the tree-view. Is this the same with the install version?

Also I noticed that the cd is identified as Morphix so I don't know whether they have just adapted a morphix base.
Originally posted by robmiller
Can anyone post up the line in their fstab that mounts NTFS partitions with write permissions? I can't remember it :o

/dev/hda1 /media/winxp ntfs users,umask=0222,ro 0 0

Have fun :D

EDIT: oops, that's readonly.. sorry, perhaps just change ro to rw :confused:
Originally posted by King_Stem
/dev/hda1 /media/winxp ntfs users,umask=0222,ro 0 0

Have fun :D

EDIT: oops, that's readonly.. sorry, perhaps just change ro to rw :confused:

Needs to be readonly anyway, since Linux NTFS write support is flakey to say the least. I ended up with this:

/dev/sdb1       /mnt/winc       ntfs   users,owner,ro,umask=000    0     0
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