Actually it was more the fact that:
a) He didn't bomb forward constantly like he's done recently,
b) He didn't do any "Song type ridiculous fouls" (your words),
c) He actually tackled and controlled the midfield fairly well. Not great, but well enough.
I'm not saying we played amazing. For the large part we were very poor, I agree with you. But Song was the best of the bunch. So bite me.
If it makes you feel better, I thought Eboue did well.
He got forward almost as much as he usually does, you might of forgotten his woeful woeful shot(almost identical but from the other side of the box as against Fulham) a few of his awful "crosses" from around the edge of the box.
He also did do quite a few "song type fouls" and got away with a couple surprisingly for a change not bad fouls, but daft running into player because he's got all the agility of an elephant type fouls.
He didn't tackle and control the midfield well, this absolutely does my complete nut in.
If you play a complete inept team, one West Ham, and Wigan and maybe even Wolves could probably spank, with no quality in central midfield in the slightest, not being consistantly over run does NOT mean he controlled midfield.
I really really hate that, Cesc, against a Utd, or Chelsea, even parts of games against Barca can "control midfield", he'll get a pass out of defence, or even go tackle for the ball, come out, and make an inteligent pass, keeping posession for the team. Thats controlling midfield, Song, run into player, player falls to ground, its a foul, the ref gives nothing, Song turns passes, straight back to the opposition(he did the later repeatedly tonight), that is not controlling midfield.
Its like the Blackburn Utd game, Utd's midfield didn't control Blackburns, blackburns simply didn't show up, theres a HUGE difference. Song did nothing very well tonight, like I said, one move doesn't make a performance, at all.
But thats whats wrong with Arsenal fans it seems of late, Walcott got a goal, woo, what a performance, no he was by far the worst player, he had two opportunitys, very very easy ones to pass others in for a tap in, he failed, if you recall correctly he did the same to Bendtner against Barca, the keeper made the initial save and Bendtner did brilliantly to get up and tap in it the corner ahead of a keeper and both their CB's.
Song was poor tonight, Nasri, as per usual lately, is almost entirely useless outside the box and missing from most of the game, but gets a goal. Against Fulham, aside from his goals, he offered incredibly little, and its because so many of our midfielders play like that, 1 minute of effect, 89 minutes of screwing up, that we find ourselves desparately hanging on to a win against Partizan Nobody's, and Fulham Second worst form in the league, haven't won away this millenium, Sack of crap(as they are now known).
Song wasn't the best player, at all, though its VERY hard to suggest who was, Eboue, I don't know, Fabianski, goal wasn't his fault so maybe him. Arshavin, probably. Some great touches and passes, and some tackles in defence(shock horror).
Its the same players who look crap for either 89 or 90 minutes every game who have to go, and you all know who they are. Conceding to that team tonight, honestly is about the most embarassing thing Arsenal have done in the past few years. Was the penalty the first real shot on target, and we won the penalty with RVP running AWAY from the goal, we were shocking, absolutely shocking in the first half. That was much of our first team playing against a side that would probably struggle in the Championship, for Song to not make any major mistakes(but did make a lot of bad passes) simply isn't even close to a good performance.
The saving grace of the next few weeks is, Utd look poor, Chelsea look shocking, and this year just about anything can happen. It will take a miracle to beat Utd with our defence and Song/Denilson playing. Remember the last big team we played, Wilshire, fit, was rested for Denilson to start to offer a stronger more defensive midfield, despite the fact Denilson sucks and was woeful in that game. I can see Wenger again making the same horrifically stupid choice. Knowing our luck, Chelsea will lose their first two big games, get Lampard back and smash us, again.