UEFA Champions League/Europa League 2/3/4 April *** Spoilers ***

Fantastic ball by Sisqo, and a typically good finish from Messi.

Come on Bayern you choppers, how is it not more than 1 in that game?
Looked offside to me...marginally...maybe.

But then I'm watching on an iPad Mini with a remarkably slow internet connection, so don't have the best view in the house.
I really hope PSG can turn this round. Every time I watch Barcelona I like them a little less. They are currently about on a par with Liverpool at the moment.
I really, really would appreciate refs understanding that it's possible for players to fall over without it being a dive or a foul. Lichsteiner just ran quickly into a very large centre back. Of course he's going to fall over. Utterly thick refereeing.

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