Ok final comment on this

Well tbh i didnt think we would collapse like this as did Mancini.
That was discussed months ago and i still see no where/one that we could have got for the money we spent on other players.
I was going to ignore it but you see no where/one you could have got for the money you spent, I mean, did you really actually just say that. Barry, theres a 100 better players than him in that position, he's actually crap. Milner was the biggest pile of over rated rubbish, you could have got a better player at half the price. Johnson was actually quite cheap, SWP was a joke though neither Mancini nor I think the current owners fault. Yaya Toure, Adebayor, Cruz, Boateng. Sorry but you keep going for flavour of the month players at absurd pricing. IF Milner was playing as he is now, all season for Villa, they'd be happy to sell him for 10mil. Yaya Toure after another season on the bench, which may or may not have been his own fault, meant he was lazy, slow, not fit and doesn't seem interested, there was quite literally no reason to buy him and on those wages was a joke.
Simple fact is, bad managers use multiple defensive midfielders, if you have a great defensive midfielder, you don't need another one.
City could have put together a quite vastly better team for quite a lot less money if they actually went scouting for quality, rather than looked up a list of "whose most popular/talked about today" and started at the top.
Ozil, 18mil, Milner I can't even remember, 20 mil or so + Ireland, or 25mil + ireland. Either way, Milner should have gone for 8mil if Ozil was going for 18mil.
AS for Bellamy, again I'll point out, the only thing he did was show loyalty to Hughes and speak to the board apparently and complain a little. Instantly Mancini took a dislike to him, standing up for a fired manager who was doing VERY well isn't something to hate the guy for. He was also on fire, Mancini BEFORE Bellamy did anything, dropped him, had this "I won't speak to you and you won't play for me" arguing thing almost straight away, largely because Bellamy was recovering from an injury, he had a doctor and physio he knew well, and Mancini was being overly controlling and told him to go with a different team for no reason.
SO Bellamy gets dropped, for playing well and working hard to get back to fitness, Mancini goes back as the team starts playing badly, and its pretty clear from then on the two do not get on at all. The other stuff came WAY after that when it was already clear as day Mancini intended to sell him or let him rot in the reserves. At that point, might not be professional to keep quiet, but the problem was already there before Bellamy publically embarassed Mancini.