Ugliest car ever?

Thats not worse than a fiat Multiplas, not even close.


I raise you

Toyota Yaris Verso
Take a small car and stretch it out and up :( This is the GLS model :D

I want one that you don't even know is electric just by looking at it.

Then all you'd get it's dicks uploading pictures saying "Look at this, thinks he's entitled to an EV space with a normal car", I know someone who uploads pictures to facebook every day or so saying "I didn't know that was electric lol!"

I personally don't like this but it's very far from the ugliest car ever, the Fiat Multipla is way worse and that's just one example
Blue body accents, blue seat belts and blue lights.

A few other angles and video here:

Deliveries from 2021 - think BMW was feeling the pressure to get an EV announcement out.
Also, with the power, range and features that is going to cost upwards of £100k
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