"UK refusal to issue gender-neutral passports unlawful, high court told"

Its all getting a bit daft now this gender business. Whats so difficult to understand that there are (in most animals) just two genders MALE or FEMALE and you don't get to choose what you arrive as - this is set in stone and irrespective as to how well someone with the help of surgery/hormones manages to swap gender, at the end of the day a man is not going to give birth (its 100+ years way if at all) and a woman isn't going to get another woman pregnant.

If they wish to create a new words for a man who identfies as a womain, a woman as a man, a man who can't decide, awoman who can't decide then go ahead but leave the well established and legal word gender alone.

Reminds me of this

I'm pleased to see you have researched the topic so thoroughly. I'm also confident that there is no way you can have missed anything.

Common sense prevails in a high court challenge.

What if I said I didn't feel like I had a date of birth, and wanted to come up with another one. Or place of birth. It's simply factual information. You can identify whatever you like, but for legal documents just put in the factual answer to what you are being asked.
Good. But let's be honest it won't last. After a few more appeals and more money/time wasted on court appearances they (is this the correct designation or will I get arrested for discrimination here?) will succeed
No I didn't miss anything important.

It really is very simple, person A born, doctor/midwife says "its a boy/girl" as clearly indicated by what is or isn't between the baby's legs. **********/SJW wanting this, that and the other shouldn't be able to change a definition.

(so snow based flake word now censored...why on earth?)

You have to admire such dedication to over simplicity and inaccuracy.
simplicity works.

why change something that worked for thousands of years in determining if someone is male or female given is no other gender only sexual preferences (which is fine) and a skewed view from some of what a a gender is.

Perhaps there's some male elephants or cockroaches that want to identify as not quite female but also not quite male despite their sexual organs

I gave specific examples of known, biological deviations from the normal XX and XY chromosome setup that defines the biological female and male. In those cases, it isn't about someone's feelings, it's about their biology.

You may be happy to ignore science, but generally it's not a good idea.

it's all so confusing these days:

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