The ICC has achieved a grand total of 8 convictions in 18 years of operation against exclusively African criminals - seems to me that the ICC is screwed when it comes to a bit more than America/Russia. Yeah I can see why the lawyers would love this grand institution, sit around all day showing off how clever they are to their peers and earning mega-bucks without having to actually achieve anything. The most significant thing the ICC has ever done is indict the President of Sudan for crimes in the Darfur region, but where is he now? When he's not at home in Khartoum he's living the life of luxury touring round Africa, the Gulf and China as an international statesman and I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon.
In reality, institutions like the ICC are seen as examples of western imperialism by ordinary Africans, and completely ignored by the rest of the world. The only people it's relevant to are naive intellectuals, and sadly it seems that western governments these days are full of such people.
So what do you suggest? Just say **** it and do whatever we please? Rip up the Geneva convention and go back to raping and pillaging cities we take over? Become ISIS and all the things you hate? That's essentially what your argument boils down to.
That said, I do agree with the imperialist bits. We only really have true international law if we adhere to it too, that includes both the soldiers (which we are trying to adhere to) and the ones that have them their orders). Unfortunately until the east and south become more even and force us to adhere, that's not going to happen. Our politicians and senior military figures will never worry about facing trial, unless of course we lose a war.
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