Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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How is the rouble at a 5 year high vs the pound? And does anyone have independent information on their economy? Saw above the russians are saying end of year GDP will still be above 5%; how is that possible?! I know take it with a pinch of salt but would be interesting to know the reality.
How is the rouble at a 5 year high vs the pound? And does anyone have independent information on their economy? Saw above the russians are saying end of year GDP will still be above 5%; how is that possible?! I know take it with a pinch of salt but would be interesting to know the reality.
It is a closed currency now, so they can literally make up the exchange rate.
*Finnish Energy Company Gasum: Russian Gas Flow to Finland Will Be Halted on May 21 at 0400 GMT


'The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 20 May 2022'

20-May-2022 11:50:37 - *Russia’s Rosneft: Germany’s Schroeder Steps Down From Board
20-May-2022 11:52:56 - *Russia’s Rosneft: Germany’s Schroeder and German Businessman Matthias Warnig Both Informed It They Could Not Continue Serving on Board
20-May-2022 12:12:02 - *Turkey’s Erdogan: Will Speak to Finnish Leader, NATO’s Stoltenberg on Saturday
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How is the rouble at a 5 year high vs the pound? And does anyone have independent information on their economy? Saw above the russians are saying end of year GDP will still be above 5%; how is that possible?! I know take it with a pinch of salt but would be interesting to know the reality.

It's not being freely traded, and it's being backed with a fortune in trades from the central bank and from forcing Russians to buy their currency and sell others. As for GDP, Russia's GDP is heavily dependent on extraction - principally Oil and Gas - and sanctions on Russian fossil fuels as well as concerns about future sanctions/supply problems have pushed up the price of gas/oil to a huge degree, so despite the collapse of their real economy, their overall GDP can stay pretty healthy (although most predictions I've seen are for a 10% or more drop regardless).
Pretty stunned how many fighters were in that steel plant. I thought they only had a few hundred, but 1700 surrendered apparently. Crazy. No idea how many were combat effective or how much ammo they had left though.

Over one thousand explains why they were giving the Russians hell.
How is the rouble at a 5 year high vs the pound? And does anyone have independent information on their economy? Saw above the russians are saying end of year GDP will still be above 5%; how is that possible?! I know take it with a pinch of salt but would be interesting to know the reality.
War economies are a thing to behold. Russia will hit problems when they try to re enter the international markets. The people in Russia are effectively trading with monopoly money at the moment.
Pretty stunned how many fighters were in that steel plant. I thought they only had a few hundred, but 1700 surrendered apparently. Crazy. No idea how many were combat effective or how much ammo they had left though.

Over one thousand explains why they were giving the Russians hell.

There is still a few hundred from Azov command still there - most of those who've surrendered were from the Mariupol garrison, police and some other stuff like navy/coastguard, etc.
There is still a few hundred from Azov command still there - most of those who've surrendered were from the Mariupol garrison, police and some other stuff like navy/coastguard, etc.

Ah, I've not read the details on this - was it mostly just the injured Azov guys needing medical care who surrendered + the non-injured were other units/attached personnel etc..?

I wonder if the remainder will try to break or sneak out then - the risk of surrendering for an uninjured Azov fighter might not be as worthwhile and presumably the remaining water, ammunition etc.. will last a bit longer now?
The stupidity of journalists sometimes. They told everyone how they smuggled out an sd card from mariupol in a tampon. Putting other people at risk from revealing how things are done.

They just love revealing pointless details like that, adds nothing to a story other than maybe an interesting aside but then burn that bridge for others. In Iraq they revealed that unexploded ordnance was detonated at a certain time and that troops know this, know an explosion at that time isn't something to worry about etc.
20-May-2022 12:29:43 - *G7 Financial Leaders Say They Have Mobilised $19.8 bln of Budget Support for Ukraine, Including $9.5 bln of Recent Commitments — Communique
20-May-2022 12:29:43 - *G7 Financial Leaders Say Furthermore They Welcome Ongoing Work for 9 bln Euros Loans From EU and $3.4 bln Loans From the EBRD and IFC — Communique
20-May-2022 12:29:43 - *G7 Financial Leaders Say “We Will Continue to Stand By Ukraine Throughout This War and Beyond and Are Prepared to Do More As Needed” — Communique

20-May-2022 12:34:41 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: G7 Determined to Stop Inflation
20-May-2022 12:34:41 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Inflation Is Enormous Risk, Central Banks Have Great Responsibility
20-May-2022 12:36:59 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Must Bring Inflation Back Towards 2% Quickly
20-May-2022 12:37:52 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: G7 Agreed Ukraine’s Financial Situation Must Not Impact Its Ability to Act Militarily
20-May-2022 12:43:40 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Important That China Be Involved in Debt Treatment Strategy Given Its Position As a Large Creditor
20-May-2022 12:57:31 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Expect That, With International Institutions, We Can Manage Uklraine’s Liquidity for the Foreseeable Future
20-May-2022 12:59:02 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Germany Rejects Further EU “Next Generation” Funds
20-May-2022 13:00:51 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: We Take Inflation Very Seriously, Must End Expansive Finance Policy
20-May-2022 13:03:08 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: G7 Discussion on Central Banks’ Role Was Very Open, While Respecting Their Independce
20-May-2022 13:03:17 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Welcomes Prospect of Interest Rates Rises
20-May-2022 13:04:55 - *German Finance Minister Lindner: Euro Depreciation Is a Risk

20-May-2022 12:59:48 - *OMV: We Have Implemented a Payment Process That Conforms With Sanctions for Gas Deliveries From Russia
20-May-2022 12:59:49 - *OMV: Our Payments for Gas Deliveries Are Still in Euros
20-May-2022 12:59:49 - *OMV: We Don’t Expect There Will Be a Problem With Conversion of the Sum Through Gazprombank Into Roubles
20-May-2022 12:59:49 - *OMV: We Consider Our Payment Obligations As Fulfilled With Transfer of Euro Amount

20-May-2022 13:33:29 - *U.S BIS Issues Order Denying Export Privileges of Rossiya Airlines Due to Ongoing Export Violations — Statement
20-May-2022 13:34:21 - *U.S BIS Also Publicly Identified Additional Aircraft in Likely Violation of U.S. Export Controls Including a 787 Dreamliner Owned by Russian Oligarch Roman Abramovich — Statement

20-May-2022 13:51:24 - *Russia’s Putin: Number of Cyber Attacks on Russia Has Increased
20-May-2022 13:51:52 - *Russia’s Putin: Attacks Come From State Structures
20-May-2022 13:52:24 - *Russia’s Putin: Media, Financial Institutions Have Come Under Cyber Attacks
20-May-2022 13:52:55 - *Russia’s Putin: Complex Software Has Been Deployed for Cyber Attacks
20-May-2022 13:53:39 - *Russia’s Putin: We Can Say That Cyber Aggression Against Russia Has Failed
20-May-2022 13:55:49 - *Russia’s Putin: We Have to Focus Efforts on Improving Informational Security of Critically Important Facilities
20-May-2022 13:57:11 - *Russia’s Putin: Russia to Block Leakage of Personal Information
20-May-2022 13:57:55 - *Russia’s Putin: Russia Should Cut Risks of Using Foreign Soft- and Hardware
20-May-2022 14:00:00 - *Russian Finance Ministry: We Have Fulfilled Our Obligations in Full on Two Eurobond Issues Maturing in 2026 and 2036
20-May-2022 14:00:00 - *Russian Finance Ministry: National Settlement Depository Has Received Funds That Ministry Channelled for Eurobond Coupon Payouts

20-May-2022 14:00:18 - *Qatar Emir: We Focus on Increasing Our Investments in Germany Over the Coming Years
20-May-2022 14:03:18 - *Qatar Emir: Optimistic About an Agreement Between US, Iran With Iran
20-May-2022 14:05:07 - *Qatar Emir: Doha Ready to Help Bring About Settlement to Iran Nuclear Crisis
20-May-2022 14:06:17 - *Qatar Emir: Exploring New Markets for Gas, Europe Is a Promising Gas Market
20-May-2022 14:07:09 - *Qatar Emir: We Believe We Can Help Achieve Stability of Energy Markets in Europe
20-May-2022 14:09:53 - *Qatar Emir: We Hope We Can Supply Germany With LNG by 2024 From Our Gas Expansion

20-May-2022 14:06:58 - *German Chancellor Scholz: Qatar Plays a Central Role in Our Strategy of Diversifying Away From Russian Gas
20-May-2022 14:07:43 - *German Chancellor Scholz, on Iran, We Hope the Agreements Will Finally Be Agreed by All Sides, We Hope This Opportunity Will Not Be Missed
20-May-2022 14:10:20 - *German Chancellor Scholz: We Discussed Rights of Workers in Qatar in Connection With World Cup
20-May-2022 14:10:32 - *German Chancellor Scholz: There Is Always Room for These to Be Improved

20-May-2022 14:07:39 - *Italy’s Finmin Franco: Italy to Lend 200 mln EUR to Ukraine
20-May-2022 14:08:38 - *Italy’s Finmin Franco: Will Consider Further Support Measures Ahead of June Summit

20-May-2022 14:26:04 - *Canada: Imposes Additional Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs in Response to Putin’s Continued Aggression on Ukraine — Statement
20-May-2022 14:27:53 - *Canada: New Measures Impose Restrictions on 14 Individuals Including Russian Oligarchs, Their Family Members, Close Associates of Putin Regime
20-May-2022 14:28:24 - *Canada: Imposing Ban on Export of Targeted Luxury Goods to Russia, As Well As a Ban on Import of Targeted Luxury Goods From Russia

20-May-2022 14:39:43 - *Cez: Have Made Gas Payment to Gazprom, in Euros, Gives No Details
20-May-2022 14:56:00 - *German Defence Ministry Spokesperson: Germany to Deliver First 15 Gepard Tanks to Ukraine in July
20-May-2022 15:56:30 - *Senior Manager of McDonald’s in Russia: McDonald’s Franchisees Have Option to Continue Operations in the Country Under a New Name — TASS

20-May-2022 16:20:32 - *Russia’s Gazprom Export: Will Defend Its Interests in Arbitration Proceedings With Gasum — IFAX
20-May-2022 16:21:32 - *Russia’s Gazprom Export: Confirms It Is Halting Gas Deliveries to Finland From Saturday Morning
20-May-2022 16:24:56 - *Russia's Gazprom Export: Has Not Received Payments From Gasum for Gas Deliveries in April
20-May-2022 16:24:09 - *Russia’s Putin Will Instruct Gazprom to Consider Possibility of Boosting LNG Supplies to Kaliningrad Region — IFAX

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Ah, I've not read the details on this - was it mostly just the injured Azov guys needing medical care who surrendered + the non-injured were other units/attached personnel etc..?

I wonder if the remainder will try to break or sneak out then - the risk of surrendering for an uninjured Azov fighter might not be as worthwhile and presumably the remaining water, ammunition etc.. will last a bit longer now?

I don't know specific details but around 1000 were from the naval/marine forces, national police, etc. rather than Azov - there had been some dispute apparently as to who was in command as well.

I imagine those from Azov regiment who can still fight it is a big risk either way so will probably fight to the end.
20-May-2022 18:50:29 - *Wimbledon Stripped of Ranking Points Due to Ban on Russian, Belarusian Players — Men’s ATP Tour
20-May-2022 19:36:38 - *WTA to Not Award Ranking Points for Wimbledon Championships Due to Ban on Russian, Belarusian Players — Women’s Tour Statement

20-May-2022 18:59:06 - *U.S. State Department: Consular Officer Visited Basketball Player Griner in Detention Thursday
20-May-2022 19:00:43 - *U.S. State Department: One-Off Visits Are Not Sufficient, We Continue to Insist That Russia Allow Consistent Access to All Detained U.S. Citizens
20-May-2022 19:13:28 - *U.S. State Department: The Question of Turkey’s Approach to the NATO Accession of Sweden and Finland Is Not a Bilateral Question Between U.S. and Turkey
20-May-2022 19:13:56 - *U.S. State Department: U.S. Remains Confident That Turkey’s Concerns Will Be Addressed and We’ll Be Able Reach Consensus on Sweden and Finland’s NATO Accession

20-May-2022 19:11:36 - *Ukraine’s Zelenskiy: Azovstal Defenders Got Clear Signal From Military Command on Friday That They Can Get Out and Save Their Lives
20-May-2022 19:12:04 - *Ukraine’s Zelenskiy: In the Coming Days, All the Remaining Defenders Will Be out

20-May-2022 19:13:58 - *Pentagon: Cannot Confirm Russian Use of Laser Weapons in Ukraine

20-May-2022 19:49:31 - *Russia’s Defence Ministry: The Azovstal Steelworks Has Been Completely Liberated — RIA
20-May-2022 19:51:53 - *Russia’s Defence Ministry: Last Group of Azov Regiment Defenders in the Azovstal Plant Have Surrendered, Group Comprises 531 People — RIA
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I don't know specific details but around 1000 were from the naval/marine forces, national police, etc. rather than Azov - there had been some dispute apparently as to who was in command as well.

I imagine those from Azov regiment who can still fight it is a big risk either way so will probably fight to the end.

Looks like Russia is claiming they've seized control now - I hope those remaining were OK, would be great if some of them have managed to escape/exfil out of there...

Looks like Russia is claiming they've seized control now - I hope those remaining were OK, would be great if some of them have managed to escape/exfil out of there...
Ok is a relative term, they've been taken into Russian custody for some that's a fate worse death from the reports of returned prisoners (I can't describe what they do as it will get me banned but lets just say it's NSFW).
Ok is a relative term, they've been taken into Russian custody for some that's a fate worse death from the reports of returned prisoners (I can't describe what they do as it will get me banned but lets just say it's NSFW).

Has that been confirmed now? It wasn’t clear earlier if they had been or not?
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