Don't be a coward and leave because people don't agree with you.
Fair point.
What do you want us to do, let him continue to murder innocents in his illegal invasion?
So what a country has nuclear weapons and if they chose to attack a none aligned nation we let them go about their business because they might end the world?
If said nation is unwilling to negotiate in good faith? We need to operate with our hands behind our back?
That's a precedent you don't want to set because it essentially greenlights any power with the capability to field nukes the ability to do what they want without repercussions.
The level of this discussion seems to at the level of Putin is a bully and needs to be put in his place. That works in the playground - not so much in international politics. We simply have to be more realistic.
I'm going to throw this out there, knowing full well the response I'm going to get but here goes....
The way out of this is to allow Russia to retreat to the post 2014 borders and keep the regions he took then, creating a line similar to the DMZ in Korea. Is this a good thing? No. Is it morally correct? No. Is it the least worst solution? Yes I believe it is. (And I believe that is what is actually going to happen)
Once Putin goes nuclear and I believe he will, you can't defeat a nuclear armed nation - thats the whole point of the MAD doctrine we lived under for decades.
The world has shifted massively as a result of this invasion and non nuclear armed nations are going the seek to arm themselves now - we're going to have to deal with that as and when it happens.
I agree that the precedent set is bad but there are no good ways out of this now. The line in the sand should be where is always has been - at the borders of NATO member states. We can and should supply weapons to Ukraine but only to the degree that stops this tipping into total war.
We can't defeat Putin but we can manage him and Russia. He's 70 - he's not going to be around forever, or even long according to some reports. We need to play a long game here. And yes, that means Ukraine losing its pre 2014 territory, so be it. We've accepted that for the past 9 years.
Difference here is that it was the Soviets during the 50s-80s. They were trying to protect their whole ideology. Today the Russians are a kleptocracy run by people trying to protect their bank accounts with a former kgb guy pining for the past while enjoying the billionaire lifestyle himself.
There’s zero threat externally to Russia. It is not threatened. Being defeated in Ukraine will be a huge embarrassment, sure, and they can wail and moan about Crimea being Russian, when it’s not, but ultimately what would they rather? Lose their Black Sea holiday home or watch every Russian city get turned into glowing red hot rock?
Eventually they’ll turn on Putin for driving them down this road.
I'd say we bear some responsibilty here by laundering 100's of billions, if not trillions through the City of London. Either way - Putin is selling this to his people as an ideological war and thats what matters, they're the ones who will fight it or get rid of him. And an awful lot of them support him. And yu right in your post as if its the Russian people who have a choice in thsi - they don't. It's a small cabal of extremist lunatics.
What do you think Nuclear weapons will achieve for Putin and what do you think it risks for him?
As another poster allued to - ask the Japanese. Also, Putins survival is intrinsic to this war - he loses, he dies (not a bad thing) but he may well be quite happy to see the destruction every major westen city before he goes - don't under estimate how much he hates the west. And don't rely on saner minds in the command chain to stop him either. Either way - Ukraine loses. Once we get to that point, Ukraine is lost. So lets try to find a way to avoid going there in the first place - even if its unpalatable.
No I was more interested in getting home for the clangers or Grange hill.
Same when I was serving in Germany in the late 80s and early 90s not once was I worried or concerned. It is utterly unequivocally out of your control. Unless of course your the chief of staff, the PM or the grunt in charge of loading the weapon which I very much doubt.
Plenty more things can kill you
Fair enough - I was also up for some Grange Hill and the Clangers. I also watched 'Where the wind blows' by Raymond Briggs - probably not age appropriate at the time but I digress.
But if you think there was'nt a level of anxiety in society in general about nuclear war then I'm afraid you're wrong. I think people back then had more of an idea of what it would actually mean. I don't see much evidence of that in this thread.
What it all boils down to is this - Are you willing to sacrifice London to defend the principle of standing up to a bully.
Awaiting incoming........