hey all,
just wondering if any one is still actively playing this game. I haven't played on an official server for about 8 years now as i haven't had any of those "return for free for a week" emails and the last time i played on a free shard was about 3 years ago.
but every now and then i get the itch to get back into it, try and rekindle some of the magic.... but i'm not sure if i'll just be wasting my time
so just want to see how many on here still play this game preferably on the europa server... or maybe got a community on a free server?
so many hours on my parents 56k connection, a ping of 400ms, rocking through doing strafing runs against ogre lords with my halberd on the back of my trusty steed xD
also just general info, the last expansion i got was Age of Shadows, managed to get my old account tied to my origin account so i can actually sub and go back on. says i have most of the expansions, think everything up to the latest one. guessing they just gave them to people for the anniversary as they are pretty old now.
so what has gone on with this game... is it silly played? is it a ghost town? anything funky and new with the more recent expansions? whats this this "enhanced client" ??
just want to go back and play it moreeeeeeeeee miss my guild. [KSD] knights of the sleeping dragon.... hehe
just wondering if any one is still actively playing this game. I haven't played on an official server for about 8 years now as i haven't had any of those "return for free for a week" emails and the last time i played on a free shard was about 3 years ago.
but every now and then i get the itch to get back into it, try and rekindle some of the magic.... but i'm not sure if i'll just be wasting my time
so just want to see how many on here still play this game preferably on the europa server... or maybe got a community on a free server?
so many hours on my parents 56k connection, a ping of 400ms, rocking through doing strafing runs against ogre lords with my halberd on the back of my trusty steed xD
also just general info, the last expansion i got was Age of Shadows, managed to get my old account tied to my origin account so i can actually sub and go back on. says i have most of the expansions, think everything up to the latest one. guessing they just gave them to people for the anniversary as they are pretty old now.
so what has gone on with this game... is it silly played? is it a ghost town? anything funky and new with the more recent expansions? whats this this "enhanced client" ??
just want to go back and play it moreeeeeeeeee miss my guild. [KSD] knights of the sleeping dragon.... hehe