Ultima Online - Europa ....anyone still there?

Agreed, but what about us that don't want our hands held :(

wasn't a problem when the community was huge :) always people about to help :)

Razor won't work for me :(

As for SWG, check out SWGEmu :)

yea razor didn't work on the official shards for me neither :\ sucks

I played on Europe from pub 14 onwards for several years. Ahhhh.
Going to try and find a decent free shard in a bit. Perhaps we should all get together?

definitely :) some of the UOGamers ones are good, think they have 3 at various levels of publish. or could just re sub and grab ya toon ;)

I still play actually. I've left many times but always end up going back! I play on Europa and am pretty well setup. If anyone would like to come back I can help you out with suits and weps :) I also own a Luna shop so if you want to sell stuff, you can. We could have a Ocuk guild!

funk yeah!!!!

I'm going away to i46 tomorrow so am well up for many hours or UO over the next few days if ya fancy it? :)

ingame name: RanmaRembo <<< lol xD

feel a bit retarded running about the place atm, still got quite a bit of gear.... not that much money tho :( only like 9k gold... tho i might have put some in cheques in my bank and over looked them.

got any voice comms? my clan has a mumble server and i'm sure thegoon wouldn't mind if a few people jumped on :) currently got all my characters on europa in the inn next to west brit bank.

what client are you running too? i'm trying the enhanced client but i'm not too sure if i like it or not.... I like how you can change a lot.... but i found i've also lost some options too :\ I do like the drag and drop hot bar... that's pretty useful... reduced my frantic slicking a bit ;) also managed to get razer working? cos i still haven't hehe

spent about an hour last night running around the brit GY with my blessed sword i got as a reward and roflstomping everything in sight.
also dammmnnnn! people had a lot of accounts!!!!!

although i do also remember when i first joined the subscription was £2.49 or .99 ? dirt cheap... I too played this when i was about 13 or there about so was affordable as my pocket money wouldn't go on beer for another year yet ;) hehe

bring back cheaper subs!!!!!!
anyone know the size of UO when updated + Razor?

Wondering if it'll fit on my work PC for these long nights I have coming up :p

Can't be more than a couple of gig if I remember correctly.

yea i think after patched it's just over 2 gig, maybe 2.2gb......only installed it the other day and trying to remember the value i saw on the patcher. razer is like 2 meg xD

does anyone know how to get razer working with the osi servers. as i've said previously, i can run it and the client no problem (classic client) on free servers but it crashes when trying to log in on osi servers.

:p Just had an old guildy message me after seeing this thread when looking for our old guild! :D

WTB another return to brit promotion! always seem to miss the latest ones xD but yea.... place is pretty empty on europa at least :(

close to a year since the last post in here... anyone been on since? anything crazy/new ingame? :p anyone fancy playing over this coming weekend (22nd-27th Aug) as I'm off work and at the iseries insomnia i49 LAN :D if anyone else is going would be cool to meet up and have some nostalgia moments and even get a cheeky re-sub and have some drunk lan adventuring! :D
hehe probably ;) yea that's my past experience when I last went on.... barely anyone about and of those about not many spoke English (or would even talk back :( )

The Shroud of the Avatar looks like it could be decent but that's a while away yet.... think as close to a remake as we're going to get.... (going to have to re-read up on it as I've forgotten all the info on it haha! )

Oh how I wish I could turn back the hands of time and instead of thinking "ahh I'll just un sub now for a bit" and then not returning, thinking "no it may never be this fun and populated... must make most of it!!!!" :p
hehe oh lord yea! I lost stuff by accidentally attacking guards and what not xD yea 7xGM with the 700 skill points :D ay I liked that extra danger factor (even though I was on trammel :p shhhhh I sucked at pvp) where you could lose everything* (* unless stuff was blessed) but then half the challenge if you died to monsters would be to try and kill your way back to getting your items back xD
Ah memories.

I can't remember what I did but for some reason I won a boat. I use to go sailing between the islands, not for any great purpose but to just see where I ended up.

I also remember that someone decided to run an academy on the Virtues. About 5 or 6 of us enlisted and attended a short series of workshops that ended in an exam. Everyone passed and we all got an individually crafted certificate.

LOL!!!! yes!!! that's epic! don;t see any random in-game events like that anymore!
ahh some nice tales :D when I started Trammel was already around so never ventured into fellucia really :( but then again I was finding it hard enough in trammel with my 56k shocking ping (usually around 200ms) everyone would be faster than me haha as I'd pause from lag every 10 squares of running or what ever xD I did try to make a theif by grinding it in buccs den but didn't get that far.

on the free servers where it is fel, it is a lot more rewarding getting something done, even if you don't get attacked you think "yeaa got this done and didn't get pk'd...RESULT" though I still haven't got the hang of macroing so only pk'ing I've done was if someone loots me at the bank and I manage to get a quick volly onto them :p

dunno what how different the player mentality is though from pre AoS fel combat... like will everyone try to kill everyone with reds running a muck, or whether it was safer than these days (which fel only free servers seem to be only pkers/griefers :( )

but yea that danger factor or losing pretty much everything was intense, even in trammel... could you imagine if that was implemented in pretty much any other MMO these days? people wouldn't play them I don;t think or rage until the rules got changed.

Losing stuff did suck but was rewarding to fight your way back to getting your stuff (from monster kills any way... pkers seem to strip pretty much).
lol Halfmad! that vendetta! xD yet another awesome things, that things like that are even possible xD

ay rubberduck, that's pretty much the general consensus from everyone I've talked to. I joined after trammel in T2A so was there 99% of the time. still really enjoyed it as going on quests and events with the guild was really entertaining :D however, for me when AoS got release it killed it a bit :( all this new stuff I had to learn after only just about getting to grips with the older system, some things I liked and some things I didn't.
yea I've been on UO:F :) pretty fun, loadssssss of PKers though! It makes it fun though, just gotta try and not get tooo attached to my loot and items as I have been pk'd a few times when trying to farm mobs for monies.

yea the massive stats list on items brought in with AoS was mad. everything changed!

I also didn't like malas as with its release there was so much lag for me it literally took 1-2 days for me to be able to log on for more than 2 mins at a time. by which point pretty much all the land had already had houses placed on it xD

loaded up UO:F last night but forgot I've done a format since my last play so all my macros are gone :( that's gunna be a "female dog" to set back up! :( but at least when I logged in by brit bank there were lots on so it's still active :D
Soooooo anyone else got the UO music on CD or their phones etc? There's even an android app for it.


lol yep xD well I did :p used to have the app on my phone and years ago with the midi files I just used to listen to them when I'd be doing other things xD

hehe , yesss... good..... come to the dark side xD hehe ah nice!

love the music, it's simple but really does capture the mood/atmosphere while roaming about in game, the face that each town has a theme :D and that song that would always seem to play when it starts to rain :D ahhhhh SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!
URL PLS!! The classic midi tracks on the UO Forever client had been replaced with completely random stuff. Almost made me barf when I first logged into the game.

Edit: Hunting through some old uo archives lurking on my old backup hard drives. I am sure I have some good remixes of those tracks.
Edit Update: Maybe not :( Can't find them, aside from old screens.

If I remember over the weekend I'll dig out my T2A disc and put the tracks up somewhere :)

get some screens up though :D show us what ya got ;)
yea it's pretty easy as there are also loads of guides detailing pretty much anything you can do ingame (uo.stratics.com or something). yea I personally really like the map, has that cool ye olde feel to it, but yo can get UO automap which allows the placement of way points, zooming etc etc etc.

PvE is pretty easy and fun, start off small, work your way up which training a bunch of skills :D PvP is where you'll get torn a new one :p so may players with anything up to like 17 years experience xD using macros and keybinds and can do their rotation in their sleep, but then where's the fun without challenge ;)

yea I was quite lucky that I begged my parents to let me sub to it as you needed a credit card :p still only be like a few months out of the year though :( like 1 on, then 1-2 off :( boooo!!!!

looks like I'll be downloading the client again tonight then xD probably just jump on UO:F, think my ingame name should be DrSasso. problem is with the server, yea I see the claims of 900 players... but how many of those are macroing skills in town/houses.... probably half I'd say :p allowed something like 3 characters on each of your two accounts allowed so for every person in RL there could be 2 just macroing in game :p

personally I'm not overly fond of being allowed to macro skills... yea it's a lot nicer so that you can jump in faster and get stuck in... but... well.... it's that "quick fix" that takes away from the classic UO feel.... the time to get those agonising gains in skill.... working your way up from skeletons in brit GY to orge lords in despise :D took me a while but I loved the "oh ****...run.....I'm not prepared" panic laughter when you run up to something, give it a dink and see you did next to nothing on their HP bar... but yours is almost gone after a glancing blow from them xD hahaha!

let's play :D
So just re-subbed for a month to get my nostalgia fix and see what's going on in Sosaria :D

still can't believe it's £9.99 a month :p money grabbing ******** that EA are!!!

but It's still going after what..... 15 years? :p bit mental really!

was actually quite pleasantly surprised when I returned.... initially there was nobody about, saw one person and had a chat... though he claimed he played it for 20 years... when I said but it was only out in 97-99 he laughed and ran away? :p

but later on there were quite a few people around brit bank :D turns out theres a guild or two who are about between 5-8ish pm most nights willing to help n00bs and vets returning. giving some free repairs and advice about the changes and such.

was really good, had a nice long chat with them, got all my armor and weps repaired :D and also one gave me a bit of cash to tide me over as I lost pretty much everything I had as it was all in my house :p not that I needed the money though tbf. thought the item insurance was going to be a bit more but after running about to get used to the game I made a tasty little 25k gold from random mobs and some escort quests :p

a depressing thing was looking at my guild roster :( was quite surprised to see that someone had actually logged in last month!!! :o hopefully they'll come back while I'm playing so we can catch up!! but then the next character login following that was 2012... then a few in 2010... and so on.... the main guild leader hasn't been on since 2006 :( sucks wanting to reach out to these people but no real way to do it apart from hoping they somehow see forums posts or randomly return.

going to have to have a look at my build too as there's been even more skills added and some changes to weapons/armor ratings and stats so need to check my viability. like no longer need magery to cast recall from a rune book. that's nice as now I can drop those 34ish points and put them somewhere else. 0.4 points of being Elder in parrying :D


Elder+ Swords (115) :D (like a boss...though always yearned to be Legendary at 120.0 ;) )
GM/Elder Healing
GM/Elder Anatomy
GM/Elder Parrying (109.6)
GM/Elder Tactics
Resist 48ish..... terrible :p
Mage 34ish and soon to be eradicated from my build :p
(Focus around 60-80...... not sure what to do with this as it can be useful to me (hp/etc.. regeneration) but came out after I had already done most of my build PRE-AoS)

I've put GM/Elder as I can't remember which skills are at which level but they're all 100.0 or higher. used to be able to check on the UO website under the MyUO section.... but that section (and most of the old website) appear to be long gone :(

Has been suggested to take chivalry for damage bonus and another healing option (cure and heal separate rather than bandaged twice to cure and then heal) .... but would probably mean dropping something :(

also everyone now has 720 skill cap, instead of the 700 +5.0 reward for every year spent subscribed. Think the STR/DEX/INT cap was set to the max too? (where before you needed to find/loot/buy the scroll to allow above the normal 225? so now 250? )

so far so good really :) just need to make some more cash, check my skills, check my gear properly and maybe just buy an entire new set :( then buy the expansion, get a house and live happily ever after :D

another thing I'm gutted about is that I'm pretty sure it's still a bannable offense to use 3rd part programs like razor and UOassist etc..etc... I've only ever used Razor when I've been playing on free shards. yeah they allow you to easily make macros to auto resource gather and such..... but I preferred the ease oh hot key binding it allowed! list of all the standard hot keys and you just put in the key press you want... boom! done! but in the classic UO client..... the macro window is a bit meh if you don't really know what you're looking for as it's a weird scrolling menu and not laid out in categories :( not really a clue how to go about it now... haha!

So yeah.... come join me :D
hehe that best dressed website xD

gutted I don't have any screen shots from years ago :(

but I've just bought a 3 month sub so I'm going to be on it for a little while at least!

managed to save up a bit of money (making it seems easier than before :p ) and bought myself a tower! also happened to have plonked it in the spot our guild tower used to be *dons the rose tinted glasses*. just gotta decorate the thing now! hehe :D

took part in an EM even on sunday.... lots of death... everywhere xD but that was the idea I think haha! sucks being melee running around with lots of caster mobs.

another event tonight where we're going to take to the seas....drop some nets and fight some sea monsters :D again... not sure whether my melee guy will be of any use :p might bring my crafter as he's got magery so I can do some ranged damage.... be it not all that much having magery around 60 :p
ay! :D I found out that UOassist is an "approved" software for use with UO a few weeks ago when looking into it a bit further... provided you don't edit its code ;) . So i paid the fee to get it. it's ok.... UOassist doesn't hold a candle to Razor though for marco/hotkey and general functionality.... or at least.... ease of use :p Razor had almost everything you wanted to do casting/skill/ability wise and you just had to assign a hot key... UOAssist has some but... meh :p

not keen on it's macro creation/management either :( Razor was like having the hotbar from the EC for me, just set up my macro keys on my k90 to be variants of the F keys (e.g. ctrl+f1, ctrl+shift+F1 and so on) then just assigned the ones i wanted to the spell/ability lists in razor. pretty sure you can do it through the UO macros to cast spells too.... but was so simple with razor xD

also ELR? :confused: :o :p forgive my ignorance xD guessing your old guild? :)
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