Ultima Online - Europa ....anyone still there?

ooo nice screenies! ass... such population, much players, so community! :p

ay, to be fair I'm one of the stubborn ones but solely because I prefer the older graphics xD the "3d" ones looked too pointy and jagged for me, where in 2d everything looked how I expected things to :p JUST GIMMIE THE NEW UI!!! :p

started delving into macro making within the UO classic client and to be fair finding it pretty decent! never actually really looked into it... just saw I had to hold the mouse click to keep the drop won meus open and thought "meh this must be rubbish" ... but now got a clean wounds on self and cleanse with fire on myself macro... though....not too sure how they act if you try and do other actions... like if I was casting clean wounds on myself and then went to move something or use bandies on something I think it bugs out and just doesn't finish targeting ....

got it so it's

cast spell - clean wounds
wait for target
target self.

tried without the wait but it would just have the target cursor...

maybe the targeting is one of the limitations.... can't have several targets on the go... i.e. having the target self and wait for target exclusive to eachother in that macro without other items/dragging/targeting affecting it.
I had that issue when I had clean wounds bound to MouseWheelUp. I used UOA for macros and yours looks like how I had mine. I never did check to see if the issue was present on the 3D client though.
I found this to be the better way to manage spell casting...

Spells assigned to keys and UOAssist set to Queue target with mouse wheel up/down for Last Target/Target Self.

That way the moment the spell is ready it'll hit the target.

Assign mouse wheel button to cancel / clear queue when needed (if target is out of range) so it won't release the spell.
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might have to grab the EC tonight and *shudders* try giving it a go....

but the download is going to take forever!!! /sarcasm :D love how small this game is hehe none of this "Titanfall 40GB of sound clips!" :p

yeah I did set up a few macros on UOA but I dunno... just seemed like more to go wrong as it's going an extra step so any lag/whatever could throw a spanner in the mix.. :p

handing for my oh **** macro to sacred travel back home at the touch of a button... and you can still run while casting it :D RUNNN!!!! xD

edit: ahhh ok trox.... so are the spells set in UO client and then you have the "queued lasttarget/targetself" lines in UOA... so you hit a button to activate the UO macro and then scroll to queue the target with UOA?
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If its for PvP I wouldn't allow the UO client to manage the spell release , you need UOAssists Queueing ability to be fast/competitive.

But that advice is me basing it on 10 years+ ago, it might have changed! Hehe
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hehe :D a lot has changed... but a lot also hasn't :p

and I'm not really one for pvp but I'll look into the setting up targets on UOA :)
should come back and relive those memories ;) haha

didn't really play about with the settings last night as I ended up grouping up with a tamer/bard in destard, we were taking down greater dragons :D much easier when you have something (the guys dragon) to tank the damage for you! hahaha then we went lower, shadow wyrms and also ancient ones! :D nice bit of exploring, we to some other places I'm not sure where but was a bit hard for us so we ran xD nice way to kill two hours :p

also downloaded the EC....again, first loading up and I'm not sure I like the graphics, the game window seems a bit..... dunno..... fuzzy? :p

also just created a mage character but not sure what build to go for... was thinking

mage/med/eval int/resist/anatomy/archery/tactics

mage/med/eval int/resist/music/peace/(provo or discord)

or maybe

mage/med/eval int/resist/ inscription(for dmg boost)/ .......maybe focus and something else?

already bought him a 100% LRC suit with some% LMC with money from my swords guy from the adventuring last night.

just gotta pick a build and go for it..... though will take a while! kinda tempted to pay EA to get an "advanced" character so most appropriate skills will be at 75-80ish so I'll be pretty useful from the get go... but dunno..... it's like cheating xD
hey all,

just wondering if any one is still actively playing this game. I haven't played on an official server for about 8 years now as i haven't had any of those "return for free for a week" emails :( and the last time i played on a free shard was about 3 years ago.

but every now and then i get the itch to get back into it, try and rekindle some of the magic.... but i'm not sure if i'll just be wasting my time :(

so just want to see how many on here still play this game preferably on the europa server... or maybe got a community on a free server?

so many hours on my parents 56k connection, a ping of 400ms, rocking through doing strafing runs against ogre lords with my halberd on the back of my trusty steed xD

also just general info, the last expansion i got was Age of Shadows, managed to get my old account tied to my origin account so i can actually sub and go back on. says i have most of the expansions, think everything up to the latest one. guessing they just gave them to people for the anniversary as they are pretty old now.

so what has gone on with this game... is it silly played? is it a ghost town? anything funky and new with the more recent expansions? whats this this "enhanced client" ??

just want to go back and play it moreeeeeeeeee :( miss my guild. [KSD] knights of the sleeping dragon.... hehe

EU is alive and well ^^
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