Yesterday I picked up this PC on eBay for £25. I've been keeping an eye on eBay for several weeks for people selling "junk" old PCs for 99p or so, within a 50 mile radius for cash on collection. Then this shows up:
The spec isn't that interesting but it's new in box which is very interesting to me! Also, my second PC (but the first I actually remember a bit about, as I was 4 when we got our first one and 8 when we got our second) was a Tiny. I put a small bid in. No one else bid but the reserve wasn't met. The new eBayer set a reserve at £50, the lowest it could go. I messaged the seller and agreed on £25.
After searching with a <50 mile radius, this PC was only 500m from my house too!
Here are some unboxing photos:
You might remember Tiny PC - they were very basic and cheap, as we can see with what was packed!
It's spec is:
MS6156 - AGP, PCI and ISA. It might well support some P3s too.
VIA VT82C693/VT82C693A Chipset
P2 350MHz Deschutes
64 Mb RAM
ATI Xpert 98 8mb which is apparently based on Rage Turbo.
"leading edge" Creative® ES1373 sound
I'll be firing it up this morning
The spec isn't that interesting but it's new in box which is very interesting to me! Also, my second PC (but the first I actually remember a bit about, as I was 4 when we got our first one and 8 when we got our second) was a Tiny. I put a small bid in. No one else bid but the reserve wasn't met. The new eBayer set a reserve at £50, the lowest it could go. I messaged the seller and agreed on £25.
After searching with a <50 mile radius, this PC was only 500m from my house too!
Here are some unboxing photos:
You might remember Tiny PC - they were very basic and cheap, as we can see with what was packed!
It's spec is:
MS6156 - AGP, PCI and ISA. It might well support some P3s too.
VIA VT82C693/VT82C693A Chipset
P2 350MHz Deschutes
64 Mb RAM
ATI Xpert 98 8mb which is apparently based on Rage Turbo.
"leading edge" Creative® ES1373 sound
I'll be firing it up this morning