Uni work AI checker

25 Aug 2006
Daughter is at first year uni and said she is uploading her essays to AI checkers. I've told her not to add she had no idea where her paper is going ie getting sold on etc!

She says she is using grammarly I've read on here some recommending it - is it safe to use?
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Daughter is at first year uni and said she is uploading her essays to AI checkers. I've told her not to add she had no idea where her paper is going ie getting sold on etc!

She says she is using grammar I've read on here some recommending it - is it safe to use?
Ask chatgpt tbh.
But same again, where is that data going - she is uploading a whole paper.

When I did uni they had plagiarism checkers, surely now Unis have AI checkers? I've told her to ask.
if any AI are rewriting her work...

she needs to actually read it because those AI seem to have a habit of forgetting things

the teachers can probably spot it too and will think its just been wrote by AI

I bet a large chunks of essays submitted look like they were wrote by the same person
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if any AI are rewriting her work...

she needs to actually read it because those AI seem to have a habit of forgetting things

the teachers can probably spot it too and will think its just been wrote by AI

I bet a large chunks of essays submitted look like they were wrote by the same person
She's not looking for rewrites, she is using grammarly as an AI checker.
Isn't the whole point of grammarly that it rewrites your work in a better structured way? I can't see that they offer a 'check' service?

And will likely be flagged by any Uni AI checker.

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A lot of posts elsewhere are saying they are getting high percentages of AI written - i've told her to ignore it.

I can't see anywhere on the Uni site that offers an AI checker either. Although it does say they can use Grammarly for proof reading.
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Gramaly can re-write for you yes.

I've used it previously to check for plagerism, if it then flags up as plagerised/too close to something else in the internet, then it will let you know and offer what it thinks to change.

You can either let grammarly do it for you or re-write it yourself and then check out again.

It's very useful tool, and I'd recommend using it before submitting to the tutor.

There is free alternatives to grammarly (which I can't remember right now)
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The problem with AI checkers and uni papers is that they're often poorly made, and then they need to account for any sort of citation that might be involved with the paper. I'd not be feeding my data into one, while it's easier depending on the degree it's best to simply adopt as unique a writing style as possible rather than stressing out over that stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if one ate the things being uploaded, only for the data to then be used to claim plagiarism was involved when later checked.

What is really sad is that it's relatively easy to use something like Chat GPT to write essay's in some fields, and an hour of two of editing can actually make it look valid if the person is smart about it. It's neo-copying your friends homework style stuff, I know people that have had well graded papers at the college/uni level while experimenting.
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The problem with AI checkers and uni papers is that they're often poorly made, and then they need to account for any sort of citation that might be involved with the paper. I'd not be feeding my data into one, while it's easier depending on the degree it's best to simply adopt as unique a writing style as possible rather than stressing out over that stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if one ate the things being uploaded, only for the data to then be used to claim plagiarism was involved when later checked.

What is really sad is that it's relatively easy to use something like Chat GPT to write essay's in some fields, and an hour of two of editing can actually make it look valid if the person is smart about it. It's neo-copying your friends homework style stuff, I know people that have had well graded papers at the college/uni level while experimenting.

Universities use AI apps like grammarly to check for plagerised work, with the advent of chat gpt becoming mainstream universities and colleges have really stepped up checking.

It doesn't matter if you don't put your work through the app the university will,
I'm on the other end of the spectrum and am encouraging my son to use or experiment with Ai as all his cohort will be getting one up on him.
He says, no and never will, writes with a fountain pen and hates anything PC/tech related :cry: He was also relieved to hear that his uni will be stopping digital coursework / exams due to this very issue

Despite this - the funny thing is that he's acing all his exams which is surprising me.
Isn't the whole point of grammarly that it rewrites your work in a better structured way? I can't see that they offer a 'check' service?
it does in so much that you compare what you wrote against it's proposal ?

[are there some web sites that allow you to compare AI written against human text to see if you can spot the difference as invariably a tutor would be able to (without an AI checker),
that would at least show to a student their intellect level ]
Universities use AI apps like grammarly to check for plagerised work, with the advent of chat gpt becoming mainstream universities and colleges have really stepped up checking.

It doesn't matter if you don't put your work through the app the university will,

I wasn't speaking so much about Grammarly or (hopefully) more trusted avenues, but rather some of the more questionable options out there which could well backfire.

Regardless, I feel that using such a service is ultimately doing yourself a disservice unless you're looking to do a one and done a basic degree, which I'd argue isn't the best use of money for a young persons future anyway.

If you need a crutch to that degree you probably don't deserve the qualification, and if you get one using it you're going to eventually be out of a job when whatever workspace you enter downsizes while focusing more on AI based support systems.

Edit to clarify: You should not be submitting papers that you've had a website/service/app rewrite for you, spell/grammar checking is fine.
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